Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Manhattan Vintage Show vs. The Recession

Dahlings –

I am still an exhausted shell of a woman after the Manhattan Vintage Show. Who knew that work could be so much…well, work??

Hours on my feet being my fabulous self, turning on my thousand-watt smile to the eager buyers, keeping my breasts inside my dress (an ill-advised wardrobe choice on Friday made that a bit of an ongoing problem; rest assured that Saturday I wore a 1939 peplum print dress with an uncharacteristically high neckline!). In any event I did not wear my usual high heels but instead opted for ballet flats. Not so flattering but practical.

The Matinee New York booth swarmed with the common and not so common folk. An Italian designer bought a number of dresses from my personal collection. Many customers were astounded to find that plus-size vintage women’s’ clothing even existed! As the saying goes, I made a killing.

One theme throughout the show was that there was far less business than in past shows. One seller told me he had actually made 90% less than at the previous show! I am firmly convinced it is the recession; the first things to go are the luxurious necessities. That is so foolish; I’d much rather have Balenciaga than a working gas stove.

I have observed earlier in this blog-thing that at the Manhattan Vintage Show, although many of the dealers are large-sized women, they do not wear vintage clothing, nor do they sell it. This year there was another booth devoted to plus-size vintage. Gracious soul that I am, I am firmly of the mind that a rising tide lifts all boats.

My partner, Sheri Lane, knows many, many people in the film industry, and they were delighted to find a source for plus-size vintage. I also saw my dear friends Lynn Yaeger, who wore what to all intents and purposes was a grey jacket over an open upside-down umbrella; Hamish Bowles, resplendent in green suit and bow tie; and I bonded with Tziporah Salamon, the “star” of the Manhattan Show, who had two breathtaking exhibits of her personal wardrobe.

Ms. Salamon dressed in clothes that defy description; suffice to say the words “stylish” and “unique” fall far short. You can visit her website at http://www.tziporahsalamon.com/. Her male assistant also wore wonderful things; I never did find out his name, but I shall never forget his cinnabar purse.

Several marvelous fellow sellers were at the show, including the ever-delightful Miss Kitty of The Cats Pajamas Vintage and Barbara Kennedy and her handsome husband.

Now I must lie down. Even though it’s been several days, I am still wrung out, barely able to lift a croissant to my plump red lips.

Before I sign off, many thanks to Matinee New York, Lola, Stephanie Schroeder (the best publicist a woman could want), Patricia, Lynn, Vivienne of Born Too Late Vintage (http://www.borntoolatevintage.com/) who provided some lovely things, and to David Ornstein, organizer of the show. I don't usually thank people, but as Ms. Salamon would say, "It's a mitzvah."

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Mad Fashionista At The Manhattan Vintage Show!


Brace yourselves! There has been a very good reason that yours truly has not been around to dictate this blog-thing. Even though I chastise myself for not attending to your need for my continuing adventures, mon cher readers.

The reason is:


StupĂ©fier, non? Yes, your faithful correspondent is happy to announce that she is the guest of MATINEE NEW YORK, the premiere source of men's and women's vintage clothing supplied to the film and theater industry, and owner of one of the largest collections of men’s vintage in the known universe. Of course, I only associate with the best people.

But you knew that. That’s why you are reading this on the Internet instead of lounging in my sitting room.

Be that as it may:

Two huge racks shall be bulging with my mâchoire-chute beau
PLUS-SIZE vintage, from the 1930s to the 1980s! Others may pretend to the throne upon which I rest, but I shall prove I reign supreme. And look fabulous while doing it.

Through hours of ceaseless toil (well, my assistant’s ceaseless toil, anyway) the finest of my collection has been chosen and readied for your delectation. Here is just a tiny taste of what is in store!

For contrast, through the decades--first, the ultra-Mod 60s white plastic raincoat by Prestige, with matching rainhood and carrying case!

Going back into the past to the 1920s, feast your eyes on this pure silk jet-black flapper dress of charmeuse and velvet, with the original jet buttons, size XXXL!

For the young at heart, a sweet gingham 50s dress in lavender with white novelty rhinestone buttons, XL:

And New Old Stock with tags, this precious flowered full-skirt dress with a tie-belt:

For the woman of more conservative taste, this 70s NOS paisley cotton blend day dress with white novelty pockets:

And to close for now, this crystal opal cocktail ring in a band of 18kt gold!

And there will be so much more. Coats, plus size lingerie, separates, shoes...the mind boggles. To see all of this in person, not to mention moi, come to:

The Manhattan Vintage Show
at the Metropolitan Pavilion

125 W.18th Street, between 6th and 7th Avenues in Chelsea

Friday: 4/25 1-8 pm
Saturday: 4/26 11am-6pm
Admission: $20*


Elisa (regrettably, Bucky the Wonderdog is not allowed at this event.)

* However, if you go to www.manhattanvintage.com, you can click on a link to save $5 off admission. But don't let anyone know you heard it from moi.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

One Day Only Warehouse Sale, Dahlings!


One day only!

Matinee New York is sponsoring a one day vintage clothing Spring Cleaning warehouse sale on Saturday, April 12, 2008 in Brooklyn from 11 am to 3:30 pm.Cash only, all items $40 or less! FREE admission!

This sale will also feature women’s funky vintage clothing of all sizes from the 1940’s-1980’s including many lovelies from your faithful correspondent, who will be in attendance!

If you want a real treat, see both of us at the Manhattan Vintage Show on Friday and Saturday, April 25th -26th at the Metropolitan Pavilion, 123 W. 18th Street.(Admission $20)!

Matinee New York is located at http://www.vintagecoolclothes.com. Contact them for details and directions via car or subway.

Elisa and Bucky the Wonderdog

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

TAXES--And No Deductions for Bucky!


I do wish I had come up with a cleverer title, but what is a tall blonde buxom style goddess to DO? I met with my accountant yesterday (a tall, irrestible man who is--yes--taller than moi), and each year the list of deductions grows smaller. I tried everything...batting my eyelashes, showing some leg, unbuttoning the top button of my Chanel blouse. Nothing worked! Was the man made of stone?

The final insult was to learn that I could no longer deduct Bucky the Wonderdog! He has been a goldmine of deductions, what with wardrobe, vet care, the finest food money can buy, toys, accessories, plane fare...I swear, that miniature pinscher has more deductions than his owner.

"But Bucky is an essential part of my business!" I cried, trying to keep my voice as high and feminine as possible. "He is part of my trademark! He is almost my partner! Without this little dog, I...I couldn't possibly run my fashion empire!"

"I'm sorry, but he's a pet,'' said the accountant in a steely voice. "You can't deduct him as a dependent." The man was becoming less irrestible by the second.

"What about a therapy dog?" There was desperation in my tone. "You handsome man, you must realize what a comfort my little darling is in my business. The stress relief alone is saving me hundreds in doctor bills!"

"You have to have the correct paperwork, which you don't have. I warned you about this last year, that if you wanted to continue to deduct your dog you had to get the right paperwork. He's a pet."

Bucky was curled in my silken-clad lap, as he is wont to do. At the sound of raised voices, he lifted his head with a menacing growl. This was not the way I intended to make my case! So what if the man was tall, he was a beast! An unfeeling beast!

"How could I be expected to remember something like that?" If only a tear would trickle down my cheek! "You should have told my assistant to remind me!"

"I did. You fired that one months ago, according to these W-2s."

Bucky's growling grew louder, and he was showing his little fangs. Any moment, blood could be shed. Hopefully not mine.

"And he certainly isn't behaving like a therapy dog right now," the abominable fellow pointed out.

I drew myself up, surreptitiously tightening my hand around Bucky's Burberry harness. "That is where we part ways, my good man." My tone was as steely as is. "My beloved therapy dog knows exactly what I feel at all times, and right now he is protecting me--no, Bucky--OUCH!"

Unfortunately for the sake of my argument, Bucky lunged forward, I jerked him back, and he bit my right hand, which was holding his harness. For the sake of appearances, I quickly moved my bleeding hand out of sight and sat on it, simultaneously taking hold of the Bucky's leash (the harness was obviously not the best idea).

"This conversation is at an end," I said stonily, brushing the growling dog off my lap and standing. "Send me the forms when they are ready. And I promise you, there will be repercussions."

The accountant stared at me. "Very well. You should have the forms in plenty of time for April 15th. Oh, and be careful, your hand is bleeding on the carpet. Wipe it down with hydrogen peroxide when you get home. Dog's mouths are full of germs."

"Not this dog! His mouth is probably cleaner than yours!" With that, I wheeled out of the man's office, keeping my throbbing hand out of sight.

I must confess, dictating this today, the bite is rather red and swollen...thank goodness last year I had a tetanus shot.

The nerve of some people!

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Imitation Is The Insincerest Form of Flattery


It seems that my little blog-thing has garnered SO much attention (including being a favorite of one of the designers at Badgley-Mischka, although, I hasten to add, it is neither Badgley nor Mischka) that some other vintage sellers have seen fit to create blogs themselves very recently. And to create titles that have a very odd resemblance to…mine. (I will not to deign to name them; you can find them on your own.)

Yes, I know, if you sell vintage, you must have a blog-thing. Actually, if you are a semi-sentient being, you must have a blog-thing.

But what makes it terribly fascinating (to moi, at least, and that’s who truly matters) is that these sellers belong to a society of vintage sellers who wanted me to join them.

The only hitch being that their leadership is afraid that your faithful correspondent’s tendency to speak her mind, and perhaps occasionally be a bit too forthright for their taste.

They warned that if I did not toe the (very straight and strict) line they dictated, if my public persona deviated in any manner from the vintage corporate image they aspire to, my membership would be promptly revoked.

Hard to believe, mon cher readers, but there it is. I believe myself to be a model of propriety…well, possibly not all of the time.

My sporadic slips of tongue, pen and incriminating photograph already had me barred from the Vintage Fashion Guild some time ago. I will spare you (and myself) the details.

But apparently the bursts of publicity and readership I have been getting recently rub certain people the wrong way. And other certain people have hoped to gain from my celebrity, rather like one of the less talented Baldwin brothers. I take it as a tribute, as long as they bear in mind, as it says on the bottom, I have extremely vicious lawyers. Rather like Bucky, but with much bigger teeth.

And like Bucky, they love any opportunity to use them.

Enough of this dreariness...I'm off to soak in a hot tub and dream of Johnny Depp.

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

April 3:
Errata: Said blog has changed its title, with apologies, saying it was an honest mistake. Friends we have in common agree...apparently your faithful correspondent is getting into the collective unconscious!
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