Sunday, August 27, 2006

Welcome, Dahlings! Welcome! Wipe Your Feet.

Dahlings, I am SO happy to be here! On Blurgspot or Bletchspot or whatever this thing is called. I feel truly moderne, in the know, hip! Not that I ever was not, it's just that technology is a bit much to absorb for a busy successful woman such as myself.

I have long been a seller of plus size contemporary and vintage fashion on Ebay (ugh). But that is only one small part of my FABULOUS life as a New York City fashionista. I was compelled to write about myself in some detail after a pipsqueak on the Ebay Vintage Discussion Board saw fit to tell us how to sell to "movie stars." Really. Movie stars. Have you looked at a movie star of late? Pathetic little twigs bundled in acetate taffeta. That's all from me for right at the moment, but you can learn more about me at:

And until next time, dahlings, SHOP, SHOP, SHOP!

Preferably at my store.

Ciao for now,

Elisa and Bucky The Wonderdog

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