Sunday, January 28, 2007

Five Things You Did Not Know About Moi

I was tagged by She's A Betty for the "Five things you didn't know about me" meme.

I have never participated in a meme before, but why not? I don't even know what it is.

Here’s how it works, apparently:
1) Get tagged
2) Post a list of five things about yourself that your blog readers don't know
3) Tag other people

So, five things:

1. My mother burned her, my and my sisters' birth certificates. So, I have no idea when I was born. Because Mama insisted on not aging, I had to remain eleven years old for ten years. (Fortunately, we moved several times.) Perhaps that was why I became obsessed with fashion. Wearing pigtails and frilly dresses looks rather odd when you are tall and busty, unless someone is paying you to do so
2. I have been paid to do so
3. I despise green beans, mixed vegetables, and string beans
4. I exercise, but I refuse to say where, how much, and when
5. I have a doppelganger, a pathetic woman with a name similar to mine, but we couldn't be more unalike. She has been known to perform onstage (ugh), sometimes wearing men's clothing (words fail me).
I gather this creature will be doing a show, "Pointless Rebellion," at some flea-trap on New York's Lower East Side in March. As if I would ever set FOOT in such a place!

I tag Captain Great, Shaz, Maureen, Heather, and Suzy.

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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