Wednesday, May 28, 2008

An Amazing the Midwest


I merely wanted to pop in to say Bonjour and to let you know that I had a lovely weekend in the Hamptons. On the drive on the way back to town, however, we took a detour that took us nine hours out of our way, to...CLEVELAND!

It has been many, many years since your faithful correspondent was anywhere within shouting distance of the Great Lakes, and I had intended to keep it that way. After berating my idiot chaffeur (he blamed the whole thing on Mapquest...I mean, really!), we turned around and found ourselves in a tiny backwater called Elyria (rhymes with hysteria, which was my feeling at the time). Fortunately, I know a wonderful vintage seller there named Misty, who sells on (ugh) Ebay under the name vintage-vineyard.

My limo pulled up in her driveway, and Misty knew exactly how to handle the situation. While my assistant took Bucky the Wonderdog for a walk, Misty promised me a wonderful surprise. Since the only restaurants they have around there are Domino's and Arby's, I was not expecting a superb French dinner.

But what should Misty bring me to, in the middle of this godforsaken backwater, is one of the most amazing vintage boutiques I have ever had the pleasure of visiting: NewToYou Vintage!

There were racks and racks and RACKS of the most beautiful vintage, from the Edwardian era to the 1980s, and a most glamorous proprietor, named "Bobbie." Hats, shoes, purses, dresses, as well as modern clothes. I nearly swooned!

What she and it were doing there I have no idea. Suffice to say I stuffed the trunk of the limo with shopping bags, and made my assistant carry one of my suitcases in her lap to make room. Misty offered us her hospitality overnight, and her husband Rob let me take the bedroom while he and his wife slept in the attic and my assistant on the floor. My chauffeur wandered off somewhere in search of Elyria's nightlife, but he was back the next morning. A bit worse for wear, but that was not my problem.

Readers, if you are anywhere near Cleveland/Elyria/Toledo/those other strange places where vegetables are unknown, you simply MUST visit this shop!

I washed down some Xanax with champagne and fell asleep for the drive back to New York. So if I seem a bit short today, it's because I'm a wee bit hungover. Thank you so much, Misty!


Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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