Monday, January 12, 2009

Project Runway Stalled On The Tarmac...


Yes, yes, I'll be writing about the Golden Globes, but first I wanted to let you know why we haven't seen Season 6 of Project Runway. One can only speak for oneself, but the plasma has definitely been duller without watching Heidi Klum sink her fangs into some unsuspecting designer's neck.

It seems that even though Season 6 has already been filmed (one imagines all of those poor designers stuck in that huge apartment building, forbidden to speak to anyone); Bravo's parent, NBC Universal and Lifetime are battling over who gets to put it on the air. A judge rejected Lifetime's request to bring the case to federal court.

So it will not be airing any time soon, mon cher readers. I will keep you posted. In the meantime, I hope dear Michael Kors is keeping himself well-stocked in Man-Tan!

Elisa & Bucky The Wonderdog

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