Friday, March 27, 2009

How Did Jane Austen DO It??


Get your minds out of the gutter at once!

What I mean, of course, is how did she manage to write so many books? How did her BRAIN keep up the sheer stream of creativity??

As you all know, I am currently penning a deathless tome of my own, and let me tell you, it is more than hard work. It is sheer AGONY! If I'd had any sense, I would have hired one of those ghostwriters who penned Madonna's children's books or Ethan Hawke's poetry...

The details, the dialogue, the blank computer screen pulsing like the spectre of DOOM...maybe I should combine a Jane Austen novel with mine, the way that fellow did with the newly published "Pride And Prejudice And Zombies."

Mine could be "A Diary of Sense and Sensibility and Exquisitely Good Taste." Hm, without Zombies, it lacks a certain--panache, shall we say. But if I call it "Diary of A Mad Zombie," that would change the plot SO much.

And to be honest, I have never liked eating brains. Even poached in wine.

Back to lashing the Muse...pray for me!

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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