Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bust Magazine Lauds WWII War Hero Nancy Wake


Every now and again I stumble across a story that I simply must share with my darling readers. This is from Bust Magazine:

The Real Wonder Woman: WWII Hero Nancy Wake Dies at 98

by Erina Davidson

She was possibly the most badass woman in the history of World War II. One of

the most decorated WWII servicewomen, Nancy Wake led 7,000 maquisards - armed resistance fighters - in battles against the Nazis. She rode a bicycle for more

than 500 miles through several German checkpoints to replace codes her wireless

operator had been forced to destroy in a raid. She even killed an SS sentry with

her bare hands - a fatal karate chop - to prevent him from raising an alarm.

Young, slender, and beautiful, Nancy flew under the enemy radar; the

Nazis were looking for gun-wielding, burly men like themselves. Little did they

know, the brunette bombshell was a fierce Nazi killer. For her ability to evade

capture, Nancy was given the code name “White Mouse” by the Gestapo.

For more of Ms. Davidson's fascinating article, please click on the title link. It is truly inspiring. I highly recommend this tribute to an amazing woman. And not because she looks like Barbara Stanwyck.



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