Monday, March 5, 2007



I am speechless. Simply, utterly speechless. That doppleganger of mine (I believe she's a distant relative), Elisa DeCarlo, who simply REFUSES to change her name, is opening in a SHOW in NEW YORK (my city) this week!

I might have to stay indoors for the duration.

The show is called "POINTLESS REBELLION," and apparently, according to an email this creature sent me, it's about her life as an Ebay seller who has sold well-worn shoes to foot fetishists (as if I would ever do such a thing!!), and her relationship with her father, who was the president of Sarah Lawrence College. To quote the email:

From him, Elisa inherited manic depression and a desire to be onstage. An accomplished male drag artist, Elisa recalls her deep identification with and rebellion against her late father, who reluctantly chose business over show business.

Apparently this is a comedy, and this person has won a number of awards as a performer, in New York, San Francisco, and Chicago. How this has been going on without my knowledge is simply an outrage...

It will be opening at some place on the Lower East Side called the Red Room, as part of a theater festival called Frigid New York, co-produced by Horse TRADE and the EXIT Theatre of San Francisco. I might show up on opening night, Thursday, March 8 at 7:30pm, just to put this person in her PLACE!

If this sort of thing interests you, it is also playing on
Saturday, March 10 at 4 pm
Tuesday March 13 at 6 pm
Wednesday, March 14 at 9 pm
Friday, March 16 at 9 pm

Tickets are $12 (I tip more for my manicures!), half price for seniors and students with identification. No, not the kind that gets underage children into bars. For tickets one can go to, or call (212) 868-4444.

This pathetic creature added in her email to moi that discount tickets are available if you use the code BIGRED. Apparently that is the name of the...thing standing next to her. The show runs slightly under an hour, it reads.

I intend to be there opening night...will you??

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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