Monday, February 11, 2008

PR + WWE = Chris Wins! And The End of The Crying Game


Be still, my heart! Although it's almost a week later, I am absolutely OVERJOYED that my dear darling huggy-bear Chris March won on "Project Runway." As soon as I saw all of those silicone-breasted musclemen/drag queens, I knew he had it in a headlock. Pardon the pun.

I SO want Chris to design my wardrobe. Er, a bit more covered up, perhaps, but I do adore leopard!

And Christian did do a marvelous soon as his diva said "leather & lace" I knew they were meant for each other.

Watching Sweet P have a slow-motion nervous breakdown is quite entertaining, isn't it?

Every episode she gets a little closer to the edge; I think by next week they're going to cart her off screaming, like poor Britney Spears. (And for God's sake, would someone tell her to COVER UP those tattoos? I try not to be elitist, as you well know, but every week she wears a tiny little top. Long sleeves, PLEASE!)

As for Ricky, I know he surprised everyone by not crying at the end.

Here's one armchair psychiatrist's opinion: he has a terrible fear of success, and that's why he kept breaking down. Then, when he was auf'd, he knew he wouldn't have to be tested any more, he'd failed, and now he could go home. That bathing suit was LUDICROUS.

Between you and me, one of my favorite parts of the show was watching our Ms. Klum try to outglitz the glitziest women in show business. Sorry, Heidi, you would have done better to wear a black crepe sheath.

Off to rehearse my show, which opens in New York on February 27th! Oh, the work involved, I can hardly stand it! More later, dahlings -

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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