Thursday, June 19, 2008

Changing My Store Name, Dahlings!


I was recently confronted with the fact that my store name is not being picked up by "search engines," whatever those are. A technologically savvy suitor explained to me, but of course within minutes I'd lost interest and was thinking about Kristen Johnson's recent terrifying 60-pound weight loss (what is it about Hollywood?). Here was a divinely tall, robustly built woman who now looks like a feverishly happy skeleton. Mon dieu! It must be something in the drinking water. Or maybe Rachel Zoe got hold of her.

In any event, I shall be changing the name of my Specialist Auctions store to The Mad Fashionista's Plus Size Boutique. A bit mundane, but apparently one must bow to the "bots," as my suitor called them.

Whatever the name, I am stocking my store with delightful summer chapeaus, every one of them a little gem of style.

Vintage 1950s "Bee In My Bonnet" straw hat:

Vintage 1950s velvet-trimmed straw hat by Doraine of New York:

Vintage 1960s blue feather bucket hat:

Off to read Vogue while my assistant replaces the name and logo. That reminds moi, an interesting read is "Pixel Perfect" in a recent issue of The New Yorker magazine. I don't often read anything that long, much less anything in The New Yorker. But it concerned the man who is in charge of retouching every single picture you see everywhere, at least if it's female. Quite, quite interesting.

Elisa & Bucky The Wonderdog

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