Friday, October 24, 2008

The Economy Is Vintage As Well!


One simply cannot turn on the radio or television without hearing some "pundit" proclaiming that our economy is in the worst shape since 1929/1930/1931/1932/take your pick. So very depressing, even to someone whose portfolio is solid as mine. In other words, I feel your pain, mes amis.

That makes this simply the ideal time to find vintage bargains online, be they at my little shops, on Specialist Auctions, or even on (ugh) Ebay. Sellers have to make a living, you know--present company excepted--and now you can do your best for our economy by shopping!

For instance, this silky 1920s black dress, XL from Wyoming Vintage on Specialist Auctions:

Or this 1930 vintage farm feedsack dress from Voodoo Vintage, also on Specialist Auctions:

And from my favorite SA seller, Born Too Late Vintage, this beautiful black derby hat:

Remember, reduce, reuse, recycle -- wear vintage!

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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