Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Manhattan Vintage Show - Another Triumph!


At the risk of bragging, let me say that in my little booth at The Manhattan Vintage Show, there was no sign of "economic meltdown," save for perhaps the possibility of credit cards melting in the buyer's hot little hands. The merchandise simply flew out of The Mad Fashionista's Plus Size Boutique! The first day, I was dressed in a divine creation by Crystal Aponte, a young designer of whom you will hear much one day. Here I am, posing in a competitor's booth (I was far too busy to pose in my own):

Absolutely gorgeous, if I may be so bold.

My creamy decolletage was quite the hit with many of the male Italians roaming the floor the first day, and a few of the females as well. My partner, Sheri Lane of Matinee New York, was also doing a brisk business, selling menswear like it was going out of style. (There's a joke there somewhere, but to be blunt, I am too tired to think of it. Please do suggest your own.)

"I heard there was phenomenal business at the plus size booth," one disgruntled seller said as she came in, looking over the dazzling display of accessories, jewelry, and most of all, the most beautiful plus sized vintage on the planet!

It is truly a shame that I had to educate the buyers that a) there is such a thing as plus sized vintage, and b) that it is as high in quality as the best smaller sized vintage. At least in my shop. No polyester maxis pour moi. (Although honesty compels me to confess that I did sell one hideous Kayser lounging gown to a foreign swimwear designer. A woman has to be practical.)

That is all I am up to dictating to my assistant at the moment. It was a delightful weekend, and I must again thank Sheri Lane, Crystal Aponte, David Ornstein (organizer of the show), Bonnie, Michael, Jacqueline, P.J. Malie Reif of the Vintage Shopping Guide and a very special man who shall remain nameless. One must be discreet, after all.

And Dorothy DeCarlo, without whom it would have been completely impossible to do this.

If you are moaning in pain that you missed the opportunity to shop with moi in person, please do stop by one of my sites, and you can feel the fabulousosity by proxy.

Elisa & Bucky The Wonderdog

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