Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Mad Fashionista Has Returned


This will only be a short entry. Suffice to say that the last few weeks have been quite frustrating.
My cough was so severe that I could not even dictate to my assistant (the office moron, not my fabulous New York Fashion Week assistant!). Then, she claimed to be sick herself, and has not returned. So once again, I must contact the employment agency. What is wrong with all of them? I do my best to exercise nobless oblige, but to no avail.

In coming days, I shall finish posting my belated thoughts on New York Fashion Week, and other, more current events. But for now I must ring for the maid. My prescription cough medicine awaits.

This brings the wishes that all who are reading this are in good health, and wishing me a speedy recovery.

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog*

*Who has been a major consolation in my time of need, unlike others.

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