Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Love, Loss & What I Wore During NY Fashion Week


Well, Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Spring 2010 has faded from memory...almost. How to describe the freezing outer tent, the steamingly hot runway tents, the many fashionistas sneezing, coughing and wheezing as we all caught the flu? After it was over, your faithful correspondent took to her bed. And it means something when I take to my bed alone.

Even though my reportage was cut down in its prime, nevertheless I feel it my duty, mes amis, to share with you some belated reports. This first post is devoted to the fabulous fashion that adorned my equally fabulous body.

On Day 5, I was photographed for a Japanese newspaper in a stunning ensemble by Mad Couture, made in green with zipper trim, and a fabulous custom-made hat from Ellen Christine! Note that the photographer made certain to have me stand next to a woman of average height.

On Day 7, I again wore a phenomenal Ellen Christine creation...there are no photographs that do it or moi justice! It was a tower of peacock plumes and blue glitter, which I wore to the Milliners Guild show. "Hothouse Flowers Of The Runway," about which more in a future entry. Suffice to say both my assistant Lola and I agreed it was the single most enjoyable show of the entire Spring Fashion Week!

At Ms. Christine's request, I wore my own 1950s cocktail dress and backward-fastening jacket. I only wish that in many of these photographs I had remembered to put my press pass behind my shapely back!

On Day 8, although running a temperature, I managed to look splendid in a 1980s Watters & Watters gown and a top hat custom-made for me by Ellen Christine Millinery. This odd pose is because I was sniffing the sad smell of failure at the Trias show. Pity.

I shall be writing up more Fashion Week memories (it's the most dignified thing to call them) tres soon. But it is this writer's duty to have you admire me first.


Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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