Thursday, January 19, 2012

Say No To Internet Censorship, Dahlings!!


I am certain my delightful worshippers know all about the government's attempt to censor and control what is on the interwebs. So I present you with this:

It is slightly hard to read. (My apologies, but it only reblogs to tumblr.)

The opening lines read:

Today, the world's Largest file sharing site


was shut down by the FBI

At the bottom, the web address is

Say no to SOPA and PIPA, dahlings!



Friday, January 13, 2012

Welcome To Friday The 13th...


Happy November 13!

And I've had a traditional November 13. First, the maid came in with the news that she had tried to wash a Charles James chiffon gown in the washing machine. She's currently locked in the utility closet.

Then I decided to take Fletcher for a walk in the park myself, since it isn't raining. I concealed my true identity with a peacoat (ugh), sunglasses and one of those conductor hats every woman in New York in wearing. As if wearing flats wasn't bad enough, a young man decided to show me his knife. His explanation was that he was not robbing or threatening me, just that he was proud of it. The young man had stabbed another gentleman the previous evening in a bar fight.

"Don't you think you should put that away?" I asked with as much sang-froid as I could.

"It's okay, I have a card," he responded. As twisted as this sounds, that is EXACTLY what happened. Then he told me that he had a gun in the back waistband of his pants. The young man let me walk away. This is why I have a driver and Leo walks Fletcher.

After I reported the youth to the police, I retreated upstairs for a restorative cup of tea. Oh, who am I fooling, it was a straight shot of bourbon.

Leo came in with my messages. A close relative needs surgery. This day simply keeps getting more delightful, and it's not even lunchtime yet.

I felt this song expressed how I feel at the moment. The first 1.17 minute is a spoken intro, which you can feel free to skip.

I should mention that I am Italian. So this seemed apropos. The original is in the first person, but I couldn't find a proper video for it.

One thinks that this is a cue to spend the rest of the day in bed with Fletcher and a hot toddy. No gentleman callers. God KNOWS what could happen.

Hope your day is far better than mine.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Timely Song To See In The New Year


With the GOP primaries and Occupy movements swirling around us, your faithful correspondent thought that this song is particularly timely.

Written in 1931 at the height of the Great Depression, "Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?" was originally a Broadway tune. However, it caught the anguish of the day so well, it became a popular standard. The subject was the men returning from World War One (one of the highest casualty rates in history) to find that there was no work and no place for ex-soldiers.

Other videos of this song include photographs of the riots that mass unemployment caused. You might want to have a look at those as well.

If it does not play here, please go to YouTube.

This is a particularly heart-breaking version, recorded in 1932. It is sung by a very young Bing Crosby, decades before he became the dull, cardigan-wearing "Der Bingle." The photographs depict people caught up in the events, including several famous Dorothea Lange portraits.

Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments.

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