Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day, Dahlings!! And VBO!

Ah, the world is filled with love today! An absolute overabundance of love, and chocolate, and roses...starting one's day with some champagne certainly puts one in an amiable mood, I must say. My guest for the night surprised me with breakfast in bed (and surprised the maid, too, I'm afraid--she didn't realize he had stayed).

In any event, I had a wonderful time at the Westminster Kennel Club dog show. So many people I know there, and dog people are simply not as...well, what's the word...insane as people in the fashion industry. Few are. They have their strange quirks (I still don't understand backcombing a shitzu) but all in all, quite soignee.

Before I change for dinner, I simply have to let you know that over on Ebay, the great leveler of the populace, there is a Vintage Blowout Sale--a rather common name for a special event. For one week, vintage sellers (including moi) offer their wares at a mere pittance. So if you have any sense at all, you'll get yourself over there and snatch up some marvelous vintage bargains. Thank goodness I don't do this for the money! Here are some of the lovely things I'm offering:

1950s Black Satin Beaded Clutch Bag

1970s Genuine Lynx and Cashmere Hat

1960s Zip-Front Polka Dot Dress, XL

1970s Black Sequined Disco Cap


Elisa and Bucky the Wonderdog

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