Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Struck Down by the Common Flu...


I have not been here very much, due to coming down with a nasty case of the flu. One would have thought that if you only leave the house in a private limousine and associate with the best people (and no children), you are safe, but non. I urge the subway-riding commoners reading this to get a flu shot immédiatement.

So I have been laying in my bed of pain, eschewing my usual holistic remedies for aspirin, hot water with lemon and cayenne pepper, and Thai kim-chi udon soup. (You didn't think I was going to say chicken soup, did you?)

However, Fashion must go on, and so here are some things listed now at the Bodacious House of Style (link to your right, dahlings).

This sophisticated 50s vintage crepe dress with striped iridescent collar and cuffs, XL:


This lacy plus petite vintage 50s-60s dress, L-XL:


A flouncy 50s slip by Rogers, size M-L:


And finally, this beautiful fiery red print nightgown, 22/24W:

That's enough for now. Do go to my two shops (including Bodaciously Yours Vintage) and have a look. Every penny you spend will alleviate my suffering, mon chers.

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog (who is annoyingly healthy)

P.S. Many, many thanks to my wonderful readers who swooped down on these beautiful things!

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