Saturday, January 19, 2008



Raise a glass of champagne! My appearance on Thursday night at the The Three Tomatoes first event in 2008 was a complete, unqualified success (how could it be otherwise?)!

There were more wealthy older women than at a Florida real estate seminar, all dressed to the nines, but none more so than moi. Never the one to be predictable, I changed my gown every time I went onstage, each time dazzling the audience just a bit more. (Especially when I fell out of one of my gowns for a few minutes and gave the audience a good look at my rosy pink buds. Later I mentioned that the last time I'd gone topless onstage, I had been a great deal younger, and there had been a pole and a bucket of water involved.) First a blue spangled long gown with satin straps, then a plunging neckline dark red dress (which I fell out of), and the piece de resistance, a sapphire velvet gown designed especially for moi by Donatella Versace (before she sobered up) with a blue satin bustle and a huge rhinestone breastplate.

Chris March would have ADORED it!

My assistant, for once a competent young woman named Sumanah, kept an eagle eye on the table where the pretties were located, and we did a brisk business, especially in vintage costume jewelry.

My dears, selling live is so labor intensive, I don't know when I will have the strength to do it again!

The Three Tomatoes were out in force (especially Cheryl Benton, the Top Tomato), the founder of Comedy Cures (Saranne Rothberg) and the producer, media personality Valerie Smaldone--who is simply beautiful in person. Any television station worth its salt would snap her up in an instant!

She is wasted on radio, let me tell you. And two very funny female comedians, Laurie Kilmartin and Leighann Lord, both of whom have worked extensively in television.

Best of all, my dear, dear friend Emme the supermodel and clothing designer, happened to be in the audience, looking astonishingly gorgeous in a red minidress! She even helped pin me into my Versace gown, since the back was slipping a bit.

I wait impatiently for photos of the event...God knows the paparazzi was swarming, and every time I turned around I was having to smile for the flashbulbs. The event was ever so enjoyable, although I was so busy all evening it's a bit of a blur.

But that could be the free champagne. One never knows.

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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