Sunday, January 13, 2008

Come See Me LIVE This Thursday, January 17!


Yes, it's true, this very Thursday, January 17, I will be hosting the show at The Three Tomatoes comedy event at the Broadway Comedy Club in my beautiful hometown, New York City!

The evening runs from 6-9 pm, and there is food catered by the Carnegie Deli (a bit too rich for my delicate system, but I shall bring my own food). Not to mention goody bags, cocktails, famous comedians, and a silent auction.

But, all of that pales beside the fact that I will be there! In the creamy flesh! Even as we speak I am wearing a masque made from Dead Sea crystals to ready my skin for the lights of the stage. Not only THAT, I will be selling the absolute cream of my vintage accessories (fine jewelry, scarves, hats and gloves) for your delectation. Bear in mind, if I think it's good, it's phenomenal.

Not only that, the event is being produced and hosted by nationally known media celebrity Valerie Smaldone.

VIP tickets are almost entirely sold out, but you can buy a proletarian ticket (and remember, it's for a very good cause). Eat, drink, and be merry--and feast your eyes on moi!

Here is the link:

See you there, mes amis!


Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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