Friday, June 18, 2010

Day Two of Full Figured Fashion Week!


Last night took place again at Boulevard downtown, and it was truly delightful! The spotlight was on the plus-size model competition. Ten brave and beautiful women took on the challenge. Speaking of brave and beautiful, here I am in purple satin (you cannot see, but I am wearing a black Juliet cap on the back of my head).

My purple satin dress is by Newport News, and my jewelry are genuine Swaroskvi crystals. The juliet cap is vintage.

First Gwen DeVoe took the stage in a yellow dress with a pearl collar, then yielded to the host of the evening, Ruschell Boone of New York One! There were four judges, and the competition was, shall we say, fierce!

(I have no idea why all of this is underlined, but I cannot seem to change it. My apologies.

First each contestant came out in a t-shirt she had customized, then in a fancy day outfit, and finally evening wear. Some of the contestants were more confident than others (one lady refused to smile), but it was a tough choice all the same.

Between day wear and evening wear, we were treated to a performance by the Glamazons, a gorgeous trio of women.

The winner!

Sorry this entry is so hasty, but I have to get down to the Hotel Pennsylvania for the panel on "The State of the Curvy Community."

Members of the Curvy Collective

The fabulous Marie Denee at center, in gold and black.

Ruschell Boone and moi. She is a fan of this blog!

That is all for now. I must dash, but will file a full report on today's activities as soon as I can!

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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