Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Full Figured Fashion Week On Facebook!


Attention, luxurious lovelies everywhere! Full Figured Fashion Week, June 16 - 19 in New York City, has its own Facebook Page! You can find it here:

The event will feature panels, fashion shows, seminars, entertainment, and best of all, no designers like Vassilios Kostetsos who stare at you in horror if you ask for a dress in your size! (Cf. my early entry.) YOU are the target audience, the objects of desire, the consumers!

As a bonus, you will get to see moi on a panel, "The State Of The Curvy Community," detailed in an earlier entry.

The week will be hosted by the fabulous Emme, plus size diva!

Note to vendors: if you are looking for the perfect audience for your accessories, be they shoes, scarves, handbags or more, look at the Facebook page for more information!

I do hope to see you there!

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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