Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jesus Stops By For Cheese Eggs


Before I finish my coverage of Full Figured Fashion Week, I need to get this off of my ample chest: Jesus can simply drive a woman INSANE!

And now, I don't mean all of the pointless babbling of the "Jesus freaks," as they were called back in the day. Jesus himself. You might recall from an earlier blog entry that Jesus stops by occasionally, usually to help himself to a cheese sandwich. Why he simply doesn't go to Zabars, I do not know. Probably because it might cause a riot. As it is, whenever he shows up, the maid goes berserk and starts speaking in tongues. Most irritating.

This morning, he appeared in my Art Deco breakfast nook and demanded cheese eggs. I told the chef myself, because who knows what the chef would do if he knew who my breakfast guest was? I hadn't had my coffee yet, but Jesus can be quite selfish. He "doesn't do caffeine," but I suppose when you're all-powerful you don't need stimulants.

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