Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fashion's Night Out! Watch It HERE Tonight!


The good folk at Conde' Nast were good enough to send me this press release. AND you can watch part of Fashion's Night Out right here on my blog!

CBS Live Stream of FNO: The Show
CBS.com’s Live Webcast of Fashion’s Night Out: The Show, hosted by Andre Leon Talley (my former BFF) and Hanneli Mustaparta, is embedded on this site, so all of my wonderful readers can watch it right here! The player will go live tonight (Tuesday, Sept 7th) at 5pm ET/ 2pm PT. From 5-7pm teaser clips from CBS Special on Fashion’s Night Out will run. Show begins at 7pm. Please see below for the embed code.

If you are Tweeting about the show tonight (and FNO in general!), they would love it if you would please use the official hashtag – #FNO. Their ID is @FNONYC if you would like to follow us – they shall be live Tweeting from the show and on the 10th.

LIVE WEBCAST (one hopes)

name='allowFullScreen' value='true'> src='http://www.cbs.com/thunder/canplayer/canplayer.swf' quality='high' name='cbsPlayer' allowScriptAccess='always' menu='true' allowfullscreen='true' flashvars='pid=NiuYP85wdKV79cozJRb_61qb8B7V_tjg&partner=cbs&autoPlayVid=true&config=http://www.cbs.com/thunder/player/1_0/partner/cbs/skin_cbs_livestreaming.xml' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' height='360' width='640'>

That's all for now. I am frantically trying to get ready for Mercedes Benz Fashion Week and all of its ancillary events.

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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