Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fashion Week, Day Four - Timely, Huh??

Hello, this is Mademoiselle’s assistant. I know, the worst job in the world, right? It beats selling men's perfume at Macy's. And I get to meet famous people. "Meet" in the sense that she's always ordering me around in front of them like I'm some retarded geisha boy.

She’s gone away for a few days, and she left me the job of writing up the rest of Fashion Week! I mean, she COULD have moved her lazy ass and written herself, but no, it’s always me who has to clean up after her. At least I don't have to listen to her screechy voice and watch her count the petty cash every day.

(Don’t tell her I said any of that.)

SO, Fashion Week Day Four, after, what, three weeks? Talk about timely topical subject matter. Girlfriend, you’ve got some serious issues with this blog.

Here are her notes on Day Four:

In February, Greek designer Vassilios Kostetsos told me that he would never allow plus-sized women to wear his clothes. Fortunately, Karma came to the rescue and produced a truly dismal collection. You know something is wrong when the best part of the show is the naked buff man wearing Speedos with a Grecian vase on each butt-cheek.

Many of the clothes had what looked like cheap foil print on them, the sort you find on shirts made by street vendors.

Small audience—standing room had to be put in the seats

Sat next to drunken journalist who pronounced collection ugly. Said more but too drunk to be understandable.

Fashion Week crowds make the running of the bulls look civilized.
And that's all she wrote--for now.

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