Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Judith Regan Is A Lovely Woman, Dahlings!


Yesterday I had the extreme pleasure of being interviewed by Judith Regan for her radio program on Sirius Radio. Ms. Regan is effortlessly glamorous, even in the confines of a broadcast booth; she was wearing a black Chinese jacket with blue embroidery that was quite striking. When I admired it, she admitted it was a man's jacket that she had bought in Chinatown (I never would have guessed). And her hair is so shiny. Yes, I do notice those things.

Like her compere on the airwaves Valerie Smaldone, Ms. Regan is a woman who does her research. And she has a lively sense of humor. She had seen the show the night before, declaring it "hilarious," and asking me what my future plans for it were. I have not given the matter much thought, being SO busy between the show itself and my various vintage endeavors. However, I did say that I would love to write a book, or expand the show beyond the current festival format.

My publicist, the redoubtable Stephanie Schroeder, accompanied me. The woman is a marvel. It is because of her I was interviewed in the New York Times, Women's Wear Daily (who declined to run the story after they were "scooped" by the Times--how petty*), and I cannot recommend her highly enough. You can find her through her blog on the lower set of links, Beautiful Wreck.

* WWD would not have been "scooped" if William F. Buckley hadn't died the same day I was due to selfish of the man! I shall have to upbraid him at my next seance.

The Frigid festival itself is divine, dahlings, a showcase of every conceivable type of theater. My dear, dear friend Christina Augello and the amazingly talented Sean Owens, both from San Francisco, are appearing in "Her Majesty," which I intend to see later this week. Erez Ziv and Morgan Tachco, producers of the Festival, are amazing people in every way. I urge you to patronize their theaters, even after the Festival is over!

Off to soak in a scented assistant is busily steaming my silk underthings, and if I find just one tiny wrinkle, out she goes! Or maybe I'll wait until my show's run is nerves are just a teensy bit frayed.

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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