Sunday, March 9, 2008

Nominated for a New York Innovative Theatre Award!


Imagine my shock and amaze when, just before our final performance last night, the house manager announced to the audience that "Diary Of A Mad Fashionista" has been nominated for a New York Innovative Theater Award!

Professional that I am, I nonethless gave my usual superb performance, as did my costar, Shannon. Such a pity that like all good things, it had to come to an end.

If you would like to vote on our little production, go to, register (it only takes a minute!) and vote, vote, vote!

Tonight is the final night of the Frigid festival itself, and I will there to judge another show and attend the closing party. Sigh...the party is almost over. Many, many thanks to the wonderful people who made it happen: Erez Ziv, who runs Horse Trade; Morgan Tachco, the producer of the Festival (and a woman who looks almost as good in vintage as I do!), and Justin Sturges, the technical director. Not to mention my marvelous cast and crew.

Oh, before I forget--I saw a marvelous production in the festival yesterday afternoon from the Exit Theater in San Francisco, "Her Majesty", written by the devastatingly funny Sean Owens and performed by Mr. Owens and the beauteous Christina Augello. It was truly a delight, and if it comes to your city, do be sure to catch it!

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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