Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What's The Special of The Day? Why, Moi, Of Course!


In the hectic days since my show closed, I have barely had time to breathe, let alone dictate to this blog to the lumpen fool I have sitting at the computer.

However, this morning I was awakened at the UNGODLY hour of eight a.m. to do a telephone interview for an Internet television program called "The Daily Special," hosted by Kimberly Rae Miller. (Morning people--I shall never understand them.)

It is part of an interesting plus-size oriented website, Elasticwaist.com. I will venture a guess that Conde Nast is testing the waters with this format, since they cannot be bothered with publishing any plus-size glossy magazines. (How I miss the late, lamented Mode!)

It was an interview about my (ugh) Ebay guide to buying plus size vintage clothing and what to look for, illustrated with pictures to make up for my absence in their Gowanus studio. Armed with several strong lattes, I gargled out my responses as best I could.

Actually, I think it came out quite nicely, don't you? A man with a very sexy voice named Sebastian is apparently an integral part of it as well, although you won't hear him in the video. I merely heard him in my shell-pink ear as I lay in bed, waiting for him to give me the signal. With a voice like that, he could have signalled me to do any number of things.

Enjoy, and learn! And then shop, shop, shop!

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog (who you can barely make out in the lower right of the first photograph, the little dear)

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