Thursday, November 13, 2008

More About Tziporah Salamon And The Fabric Of Her Life


I am sorry this could not be posted earlier, but Ms. Salamon is a very busy woman and it had to be done by my least favorite form of communication, email.

One memory I had noted during our conversation was, that when she was a young girl, she would choose her outfit according to her Vera scarf for the day. Her long hair was worn in the low ponytail that was popular then (the early 1960s), parted in the middle, and she would choose the scarf of the moment. Then build her clothing around the scarf. That same rule holds true today, although the process is a bit different.

"I loved hats and found that they completed an outfit," she recalls, "So I started wearing them and then realized that I usually started with the hat and worked my way down, creating the outfit to go with the hat - and most of the hats are small, brimless - they just suit me better. I am always refining the look and it still continues - it's just that now I pretty much know what looks best on me and stick to it."

Tziporah has literally thousands of hats in her apartment, both on display and in pristine white hatboxes throughout her apartment, carefully conserved in acid-free white tissue paper. As as noted earlier, it took a long time for her style to develop.

"It was a lot of trial and error. I loved the Japanese designers immediately - Yohji Yamamoto, Comme de Garas, Issey Miyaki. I would have worn them exclusively, but could not afford them so I turned to vintage. Because the stuff was unique, relatively reasonable in price and much better made than contemporary clothes. I learned that I loved to dress like a Middle Eastern boy - one from Egypt or Palestine or Morocco - Jewish or Moslem it didn't matter as they basically dressed alike. Then, I fell in love with Chinese clothes. The embroidery just made me so happy to look at it. So I came to realize that I loved ethnic clothes more than European/Western garb. They were more exotic and spoke to my heart and soul. "

Ms. Salamon considered a career in fashion, but thought better of the idea, although she works as a stylist and teaches classes on how to dress. The idea for "The Fabric Of My Life" came through a class she teaches at Parsons twice a year, Dressing As An Art Form. Which she certainly does!

Eventually she developed the class into her current one woman show, which she has performed to enraptured audiences all over the city, in theaters, gardens, and now the Off Broadway Boutique. Once again, here is the information:

The performance will be one night only at one of the most glamorous shops in New York, the fabulous Off Broadway Boutique!

Mark your calendars, readers: Friday November 14th at 6:00 PM.

Admission is FREE, and not only that, wine and cheese will be served. The audience is invited for an evening of fashion, fun and shopping. It is located at 139 West 72nd Street. The web address is, so you can take a look at some of what they have to offer. RSVP to:

After this, Tziporah Salamon plans to continue to nurture her blossoming career as a stylist and teacher of chic. If you wish to learn more, please do visit her website at As she herself states, "What I love doing is teaching women how to dress: how to develop their own personal style and dress for their bodies and lifestyles, how to be creative with clothes. I want women to have more fun with clothes, to be more daring and not be afraid to stand out and look different."
And that is marvelous advice for women of ANY size, dahlings!

See you tomorrow, dahlings!


Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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