Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fashion Week 2009: The IFB Dress Up Soiree

Dahlings –

On Monday night, I went to a refreshingly different party, one that was blessedly ungraced by preening celebrities, starving models or officious bouncers. Jennine Tam, the lovely writer of, hosted an evening entirely devoted to…fashion bloggers! It was co-sponsored by Independent Fashion Bloggers and Modepass.

Ms. Tam was sparkling in blue sequins. The theme of the party was “Dress UP!” which of course was no problem for your faithful correspondent.

I was resplendent in a 1960s silver, copper and gold brocade Op Art dress, with aurora borealis buttons. Both the men and women wore inspired clothes, much of it vintage. The party was held at the downtown boite Broadway East, and we drank and talked far into the night.

Blogging is such a bizarre thing to do, when you stop to think about it. And so it was quite enjoyable to talk to other poor souls who “blog,” even if none of them have assistants. How does one keep the content flowing? How does one get readers? How does one monetize, whatever that is?

Among the other bloggers I chatted with were Beka Lynn of, and the founders of the soon-to-be launched vintage only website, Market Publique. Here are a few of their models:

A jolly good time was had by all. Too bad I had Diesel Black Gold the next day. Well, life can't all be fun, can it?

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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