Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fashion Week 2009: Fashion Week After Party With Korto Momolu!


The week came to a perfect end at Nikki Beach, where The MacDella Cooper Foundation was holding a star-studded Fashion Week After Party, a fundraiser to raise funds for the MCF Academy for Orphans and Abandoned Children in Liberia, set to open next year. First there was a VIP cocktail hour, where I met a number of fascinating guests. Then it was time to take our seats, some of us at the VIP tables (including moi, of course). Veuve Cliquot and sushi was served, and I felt quite relieved that I had decided at the last minute to leave Bucky at home. He tends to get very noisy around sushi.
(All photos by Elisa DeCarlo)

The chair opposite me sat empty until a young model, Rachel, asked to join me, since I had a clear view of the stage and her table did not. I was more than happy to oblige.
I do wish I had gotten a full-face shot; she was beautiful and extremely intelligent, a rare combination in models.

After opening remarks by Jones New York CEO Susan Metzger (glam in black lace) and the gorgeous Miss MacDella Cooper herself, there was an unveiling of the plan by movie-star attractive architect Winka Dubbledam, shown here with a handsome young man whose name I never quite caught. I think it was Mark, and he had something to do with MSN.

Here is this handsome young man with two of the other sponsors. The young lady is Ashly Priest of Victoria's Secret. I do wish I'd thought to take notes!

The only awkward moment during the presentation was when the pull down screen decided to CRASH onto the stage in front of the various dignitaries. Fortunately for all involved, it hit a table full of glassware but no one was hurt.

(To be honest, for your faithful correspondent, it was one of the high points of the evening--I have never been one for long speeches, no matter what the cause.)

Once the mess was cleaned up and the presentations done, came what we were all really there for: the fashion show by “Project Runway’s” Korto Momolu (and unlike the unfortunates in Bryant Park on Friday morning, we knew her name!).

My poor camera was not up to capturing the fashions, but trust me on this, loyal readers, they were truly magnificent. The models were lifted onto a wooden platform that ran the length of the room.

Korto is originally from Liberia, and her African-inspired fashions were the perfect touch. She came out at the end in a beautiful sequin-trimmed knit dress that showed off her gorgeous body, shyly acknowledging the screaming applause by hiding behind one of her models!

So once again, I have survived Fashion Week, more or less. And tonight it is the Academy Awards. Oh, my GOD! Is there no justice? No justice at all??

Elisa sans Bucky the Wonderdog

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