Friday, May 29, 2009

The Fashion Show, Episode Four: Foot In Mouth


Due to my hectic schedule and no access to DVR, I only saw the last fifteen minutes of last night's "The Fashion Show." Obviously Isaac Mizrahi had been told to tone it down a few notches. Because unless my ears were deceiving me, he had some nice things to say about the designs. The designers' challenge was to design an outfit based on a pair of shoes. And thank goodness, they were no longer working in teams, but individually! If I'd had to listen to Isaac say "Team Haven" one more time...

Tell me, is there a point in Kelly Rowland's presence? Although there is something unintentionally humorous about the gravity which with she does her non-job. As if everyone is in on the joke except poor Ms. Rowland. One can almost hear the camera crew stifling their guffaws.

Your faithful correspondent has no idea why anyone likes this I the only person who thinks it looks like a diaper? It was designed by Angel, and even though she probably had the worst shoes to work with (Stella McCartney), one can only imagine what this would look like worn by an older woman in the Hamptons. Or even a younger woman. Or a man.

Except for the fact that I have taken a liking to Lidia, her dress was awful and I believe she should have gone home, not whoever-the-man was.

This crumpled mess of a dress answers the question: how on earth do you make a professional model look like she has a pot belly? (One thinks that every designer on this show should be BANNED from using TULLE in any form!)

But Merlin's was far worse. However, his headgear will likely keep him on "The Fashion Show" for at least another few weeks.

I was delighted that Reco won. Except for his penchant for plunging necklines (did we really need to see the star tattoos on his chest?), I enjoy his trash-talking. And yes, this did look tres Balenciaga, but the workmanship was excellent. The strange little hat tied the look perfectly with the cage shoes. Although at a cocktail party, it could wreak havoc with trying to eat hors d'oeuvres.

More later, dahlings, when I am back in New York -

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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