Tuesday, May 26, 2009

More Ramblings on The Fashion Show, Oprah, Kirstie Alley, Etc.


Forgive my lateness in posting, but I have been up to my long-lashed eyelids in trip preparation. Yes, your faithful correspondent is leaving her beloved Manhattan to go to North Carolina. First to stay with one of NC's finest hostesses, and from there to attend a dear, dear friend's commitment ceremony.

Yes, I believe in gay marriage and I'm not going to hell. Anyone who disagrees with me is free to go there, however, if I may be so bold.

In any event, I did not manage to get through Episode 3 of "The Fashion Show." The minichallenge, after Johnny R. blew up at Isaac for not being able to sew last week, was a sort of producer's revenge. The teams had to do repairs on three garments: a shoulder pad, missing buttons, a broken zipper, and a skirt hem. When Isaac pronounced one misshapen zipper "unforgivable," well, my apologies, but I hit the Mute button. I only glanced up during the runway show, and noticed that the sleeping bag coat bore a remarkable resemblance to this coat that was sent down a real runway several years ago:

The convertible coat was the winner:

And it was designed by Andrew, who I could not pick out out of a lineup. Markus got the boot and was quite bitter about it. (Serves him right for spelling his name with a "k".) For more about this episode, you'll have to read elsewhere. Your faithful correspodent finds "The Fashion Show"...well...unpleasant.

On to other, even more unpleasant topics. The news of the day is that poor Kirstie Alley was in talks with Harpo, Oprah Winfrey's company, about doing a talk show. However, because of the weight she has gained, she has been replaced by the far thinner Jenny McCarthy. Who has more to offer as a host, one has no idea. But once again:

SHAME on Oprah Winfrey, for AGAIN driving another nail into the coffin of American women's self esteem, subconsciously because of her own self-loathing, I'm sure. Yes, Kirstie Alley has been inconsistent in her comments about her weight and plans since she was given the boot by Jenny Craig.

But show me a female with a weight problem who ISN'T!

Some say that no-one would care about Kirstie's weight except Kirstie if she didn't keep bringing it up! Excuse me, people, but have you read a tabloid over the past two years? With their most unflattering photos of Kirstie Alley getting out of cars, eating, etc., all with screaming headlines such as:

Of course Ms. Alley is crushed that a more conventionally pretty host was chosen over her. Wouldn't you? Wouldn't anyone? Personally I would be far more interested in hearing what a woman who struggles with her weight (who is NOT Oprah!) has to say, instead of blaming the victim as Hollywood does.
And yes, the press does that with anorexic stars as well as overweight stars, which means across the board, celebrity females are probably afraid to leave the house in anything but a burkah.
This is exactly how your faithful correspondent likes to start her morning. Utterly disgusted.
Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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