Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm on Collectibles Corner TV, Dahlings!


Amidst the chaos caused by my illness, etc. I COMPLETELY neglected to mention that some time ago I was interviewed by the delightful Tammy Jane Ferrell on her video site, "Collectibles Corner TV" (http://www.collectiblescovertv.com/category/past-episodes/)!

It is episodes 13 and 14. The first aired, I am ashamed to admit, on April 27! They are eminently worth watching, as are many of the other episodes. I highly recommend this site for collectors, sellers and anyone interested in collectibles.

Back to bed! I mean it this time. Thank goodness Bucky is still curled up there, waiting for my return, my little darling. Now if only he would stop biting the dogwalker...why didn't the maid train him to use Wee-Wee pads??

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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