Friday, May 15, 2009

From WWD: Mayor Bloomberg & Anna Wintour


From today's scoop at Women's Wear Daily:

CALLING ALL CUSTOMERS: Details of a far-reaching consumer initiative to take place this fall are expected to be unveiled sometime next week with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Vogue’s Anna Wintour, designers and retail executives providing a united front in an attempt to jump-start business. The initiative is believed to have the participation of top city retailers and will come at a time when stores have been hard-hit by recession. Vacant storefronts are cropping up, tourism is off and layoffs have plagued several industries, from publishing to Wall Street. Activities will likely include various special events, from personal appearances to extended shopping hours, to lure customers back into the stores.

Personally, I think they had better start much sooner to halt the downward toboggan-esque slide of New York's economy. For more, follow this link:


Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog (who was born to wear red, don't you think?)

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