Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lincoln University's Racist Fat Discriminatory Policy


Fat discrimination never ends, does it? Why is it news when a fat person dies, when millions more are dying of lung cancer? It is because “Man Dies Of Lung Cancer In Recliner” doesn’t make for a snappy headline?

Your faithful correspondent was outraged to read today in the Huffington Post that Lincoln University has instituted a policy that not only do students have to take a mandatory physical fitness class to be considered eligible for graduation—but also must have a Body Mass Index of under 30! Otherwise they will not graduate.

I have to admit that I have never cared enough to find out what exactly BMI is or why it matters so much. (“The Biggest Loser” uses it, but anyone who appears on that farce is already a loser.)

Not only is this policy discriminatory toward those whose body mass is greater than the approved amount; all of the two dozen students who will not graduate are African-American.

The name Lincoln University has become a joke. What would Abraham Lincoln make of this idiotic, inequitable policy that affects so many young people who have studied and worked for their diplomas? Is the university letting anorexics graduate, or do they have to have a BMI above 3? Somehow I think the deluded officials responsible for this monstrosity don’t care which students have bulimia (after all, they tend to be more photogenic, even if they faint a lot).

Here is a link to the Huffington Post article:

In turn it links to a suitably judgemental article by an African-American woman criticizing the students for being overweight. So comforting to know that this sort of discrimination is embraced by the African-American community. Don't they have problems enough??

Shame on you, Lincoln University! Shame on the press outlets that publicize this sort of article with shots of bulging waists.

Mon Dieu, I have to go and have my maid dab my temples with eau-de-cologne. And than I shall dine on a large breakfast of bacon, eggs and buttermilk biscuits to show my solidarity (and because it is delicious).

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