Monday, January 18, 2010

The Golden Globes 2010: MY Dullest Dressed!


This edition of the Golden Globes contained so many dull, uninspired, been-there dresses, that I simply had to make a new category: The Snooze Awards. Any one of these dresses could induce ennui, put together they guarantee narcolepsy.

Let's start with something utterly boring, shall we? Jennifer Aniston in a black dress by Valentino. A high slit does not an interesting gown make.

If that weren't dull enough, Glenn Close chose to wear a simple column dress in black by Oscar de la Renta. Oscar, dahling, you let me down. Not to mention that Ms. Close looks like she could out-bench press Colin Farrell.

Courtney Cox prevents excitement from building with another uninspired black dress:

Heather Graham in a dress that is a collision between Jennifer Aniston's Valentino and Glenn Close's Oscar de La Renta. The slicked back hair does not help.

Julianne Moore's Balenciaga is not bad enough to qualify her for Worst Dressed, but it is certainly an ill-conceived snore.

Here's a variation on The LBD (The little boring dress) , a pouf skirt worn by one of the cast members of Glee.

Even the usually fabulous Kate Winslet could not escape the grip of dull, in this dark blue (literally) sleeper by YSL.

Now that we have moved on from black to dark blue, here is a Nina Ricci snoozefest worn by Carey Mulligan (who also needs to hitch it up).

Moving on, here is a lackluster chiffon pink number by Dolce & Gabbana on Emily Blunt.

Even the fact that it is Lanvin does not conceal the fact that Rose Byrne is wearing a dress like thousands of others on the red carpet at any given awards show.

Sophia Loren has recovered from the disaster at the Oscars only to discover quiet good taste. Too bad. I mean, she is Sophia Loren and all.

I couldn't bear to put Jenna Fischer in the Worst Dressed category, this Halston dress isn't that bad. It just isn't that...anything. It's a tad frumpy.

Well, those are the Snooze Awards, in no particular order. Feel free to comment. Just remember that I am always right.

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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