Sunday, January 24, 2010

Chris March's Book Party Tonight! What I Am Wearing


First of all, no one was happier than moi to find that the beautiful gown Meryl Streep wore at the Golden Globes, that was at the top of my Best Dressed List, was designed by none other than darling CHRIS MARCH!

And tonight is the signing party for Chris March's new book, I Love Chris March, filled with equal amounts of photography and delight. Yes, I'm going overboard, but the man does it to me.

Not in the same way as Alec Baldwin, but I think you catch my drift.

In any event, tonight, because there will be thousands of fabulous drag queens and divas, I have decided to forsake my usual approach to fabulousness and GO INTO REVERSE!
I am going to wear


What does it look like? You will have to wait until tomorrow. Please trust me on this, it is so hideous my dry cleaner went blind. Until tomorrow!


Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

P.S. The SAG Best & Worst Dressed will be tomorrow as well. My apologies.

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