Monday, May 30, 2011

black panther tattoo

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  • lack panther on a white

  • saunders45
    Sep 8, 09:48 AM
    Um, am I missing something here?

    That is a completely different song??? And I don't understand what you're trying to say.

    The way Kathie Lee needed Regis that's the way yall need Jesus
    So here go my single dog radio needs this
    They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus
    That means guns, sex, lies, video tapes
    But if I talk about God my record won't get played Huh?
    Well let this take away from my spins
    Which will probably take away from my ends
    Then I hope this take away from my sins

    He's saying bla bla bla, God help me in one song, then cursing and using the overly said "n" word. It sounds like he's sending 2 different messages.

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  • cross lack panther tattoos

  • tk421
    Oct 19, 12:39 PM
    Check out this to boost Mac OS X market share:,39020645,39284186,00.htm

    If Apple does it, Windows (read M$) will be out of business in three years!

    That idea is certainly not new. It's been debated lots of times on this site, and it's not that simple. Even the article itself doesn't say Microsoft will be out of business. It says Apple market share could be 20%.

    One of the problems with being software-only is that Apple makes a lot of money from their hardware. Another problem is that they have less control over the product. If they can't control the hardware, the software will face more issues.

    Anyway, I doubt they'd license the OS, and I wouldn't want them to.

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  • crawling panther tattoo

  • pcharles
    May 2, 01:32 PM
    Because it took them 7 years to get it right.

    I assume you are joking because the truth is even worse! The seven has nothing to do with anything much at all. It is not the seventh version of windows, nor have they been working on it seven years.

    Maybe it is the age of the developers cat! I wonder if Microsoft Cat is like Shr�dinger's Cat. It is both running and crashed at the same time!

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  • Clive At Five
    Oct 3, 01:44 PM
    Steve Jobs says "iRetire" and walks off.


    That's classic!



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  • SevenInchScrew
    Nov 14, 05:07 PM
    About the footsteps issue, while you may not hear someone else, your own footsteps are almost deafening now. I take the Ninja perk just to NOT hear my own footsteps.
    Right, and that was what made it so good in MW2. You were super quiet, and could hear everyone else much better because of that. Now in Black Ops, while your own movements are certainly much quieter with Ninja, everyone else running around makes basically no noise, regardless of their Green perk. Because of that, no one HAS to use Ninja, and can still run around all stealthy, stabbing or shooting you in the back.

    In MW2, you could easily hear people coming if you were paying attention, and get a jump on them. In Black Ops, since you can't hear anyone, ever, the game is a constant battle of internet connection and reflexes. What happens now is, you and an enemy both, surprisingly, come around a corner to face each other. What ensues is each person wildly spraying bullets until one of you falls over dead. That isn't very fun.
    A new update or patch will be welcome, and I look forward to playing the game despite it's problems. Good fun.
    I agree. Even though there are a few issues I have with the game, and a couple are close to game-breaking, the game has a lot of fun in it. With a good update/patch, it could be great.

    black panther tattoo. Black Panther Tattoo
  • Black Panther Tattoo

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 25, 05:57 PM
    That lady has "issues", just looking at her demeanour. :eek:

    'atsa no lady, 'atsa my wife!


    black panther tattoo. Panther: This Tattoo indicates
  • Panther: This Tattoo indicates

  • citizenzen
    Apr 23, 12:44 PM

    Thanks CM.

    I'd gotten tired of asking bassfingers to back up his assertions with evidence.

    His posts are often short-cited.

    black panther tattoo. Panther Tattoo
  • Panther Tattoo

  • balamw
    Apr 28, 07:37 PM
    I first started a new project in order to avoid confusion and made some changes, the result is what I think " a working timer " with start, stop and reset buttons.

    Maybe now you can go back and realize that you could have saved yourself and the rest of us a lot of time and effort by adhering to the recommendations from the links I posted. (Seriously, read them.)

    Be specific. Be complete. Post complete, compilable code that demonstrates your problem. (If you need to, make a separate toy app, divide and conquer).

    This is part of the "step back" that everyone was telling you to do early on, and is a basic skill for all kinds of troubleshooting. By breaking down the problem and explaining it to someone else you will often get an epiphany of your own. Like:
    If I see the code now it seems a bit obvious why the timer never stopped before.
    If the solution was handed to you it wouldn't (a) be that obvious [because you wouldn't understand it] and (b) wouldn't be exactly what you want.

    For obvious reasons I'm not posting it and if some of you wonder why, it's for same reasons nobody posted the complete working code despite being able to make a timer in less than 3 minutes. (yes, I know it's because you think it would not help me and I understand)

    I still don't think you understand the give and take of being a full participant in a forum like this.

    It's your choice alone whether to add to the general knowledge pool or not. That's very different than responding to an ill-defined request for code.

    For example, here's a thread I started earlier this month: I was playing with some code from various tutorials that was no longer functional, found a way to fix it and chose to give that solution back to the 'net and it was immediately useful for another user.



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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 29, 09:38 PM
    Calling it Windows 7 sort of makes no sense, technically it's the 10th version of Windows, if you dont count server editions.

    It's only the 7th if you start counting from Windows 98.


    major kernel version

    1,2: 1.0 and 2.0
    3: 3.0, WfW3.11, NT 3.51
    4: 95, 98, NT4
    5: 2000, XP
    6: Vista
    7: Windows 7 (but really 6.1):confused:

    So the answer is, "marketing"

    I see. It's a sequence of versions but they decided to start at a a certain level of windows development or possibly a grouping of versions by category. i always wondered about that.

    OS X came naturally after OS 9. I wonder if the version after OS X.9 will be OS X.10 or OS XI? I guess OS X.10 would make sense if the OS doesn't change significantly as it did from 9 to X.

    Microsoft needed the good luck after Vista. :p

    LOL - maybe 8 is their lucky number...

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  • AhmedFaisal
    Jul 30, 03:54 PM
    Hybrids actually have an equal to worse carbon footprint than regular gasoline engine cars due to the production and disposal process of the batteries. As such, they are not green at all. They are just another one of these ****** feel good deals for hippies with no brains an engineering knowledge. Of the commercially available cars, a well designed diesel, able to operate on biodiesel from waste oil for example has by far the best carbon footprint or an ethanol burner that can work on ethanol fermented from plant waste via cellulose digesting bacteria.
    I would prefer if we could get to the point where we either have cars running on ethanol generated from cellulose or keratin digestion or natural gas buring engines.
    Unfortunately fuel cells are not that great either because of the palladium used in the batteries that is pretty toxic in production as well.



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  • Black Panther tattoo machine

  • TripHop
    Oct 7, 05:40 AM
    First, Apple must build an iPhone that will work on Verizon's CDMA network (iPhone is GSM & HPDA), OR Verizon must upgrade their network to handle GSM/HDMA. I don't thing either will ever happen.The former or both has to happen by next summer because there's no way Apple is going to continue letting AT&T keep their iPhone exclusivity past next July. In other markets where iPhones are being sold by multiple carriers, the iPhone's market share is radically higher. The same thing will happen here as soon as all the carriers are allowed to sell them.

    We're still at the beginning of this device's history. Imagine what it'll be like next Summer when there are 150,000 applications for the next version 4 iPhone with a dual core ARM processor running @ 1.6GHz with 64GB of RAM on board. ;) :D

    black panther tattoo. back lack panther tattoos
  • back lack panther tattoos

  • fluidedge
    Jan 14, 11:45 AM
    what the hell can you do with a 32 GB flash drive?

    The OS alone must take up 15GB leaving you with 15GB. 15GB. On a Macbook PRO. People actually do constructive work on these things. 15GB is about 10 photoshop files to some people. No music. No 'movies' nothing else can fit on 15GB. 15GB is about 1/5 the size of my itunes library.

    What is the fliping point of a 32GB flash drive in an Apple? I see absolutly no use in putting anything less than a 128GB flash drive in a professional class laptop. And thats not going to happen for a good 3 or 4 years yet.

    32GB flash drives would be perfect for the next gen Asus EEE PC though - just to store a bit of music and some documents and few apps.


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  • Old school panther tattoo

  • phineas
    Oct 7, 09:17 AM
    Too bad that Map is a load of BS... I live in Coral Springs FL, just north of Ft Lauderdale... Verizons map says there is 3g coverage there... In my house and anywhere around my house i get 1 bar.... 1 lowzy bar!!! I switched back to AT&T and whoa, 5 bars, full signal, all the time! I don't understand why people bitch about AT&T... No phone company is any better... They all suck... Pull your panties up and move on...

    I dare say that different technology's i.e. GSM vs CDMA could also be the problem in your area.

    When I had Verizon, the worse and only problem was with a Razor the tech was an idiot........... Other than that very very stable network, cannot say that for AT&T

    black panther tattoo. Black Panther tattoos, too,
  • Black Panther tattoos, too,

  • lax33
    Sep 12, 10:08 AM
    I see everyone has been wondering about content should Apple offer movie downloads via iTunes. How coincidental is it that Lionsgate made a statement recently about iTunes offering movie downloads in the near future. Lionsgate also has one of the largest film libraries and has been rumored as a potential takeover in recent months as well.


    black panther tattoo. Black Panther Tattoo
  • Black Panther Tattoo

  • DavidLeblond
    Sep 12, 07:22 AM
    Aint it a bit early for that. With 5 hours to go before the event:confused: :confused:

    It's called hype, my friend.

    black panther tattoo. lack panther cat tattoo
  • lack panther cat tattoo

  • dvkid
    Apr 29, 03:54 PM
    Wow, if they don't get those changes implemented immediately Lion is going to be the Mac's Vista!!1! :p

    What are you talking about? The screenshots shown here are from the latest developer release of the software, meaning that anything you see is already implemented in code and being used by registered Mac OS developers the world over.


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  • Black Panther Tattoo Meaning

  • rovex
    Mar 19, 05:30 PM

    and the way you express yourself practically shows me why people 'diss' all your gadgets.

    you Americans have some ridiculous proverbs/figure of speeches that no other Anglophones around the world can even attempt to understand.

    And the English language's inception was here in England so why do Americans spell rumours 'rumors'? And there are an abundance of similar examples.

    black panther tattoo. cross lack panther tattoos
  • cross lack panther tattoos

  • idunn
    Mar 25, 03:06 PM
    'Consequently, Apple has chosen to position the next step in the evolution of Mac OS X as "Back to the Mac", an effort to bring some of the most popular features of iOS to the Mac platform for the first time while retaining the familiarity, flexibility, and horsepower of Mac OS X.'
    - per 'Macrumors'

    ;) A lot of fantastic change in but 10 years. In looking back, I'm somewhat amazed at the evolution of Apple. Happy Birthday.

    If still basically loyal to Apple, I would note, in hopefully helping the brand, certain lapses such as apparently quality control in some aspects of the new iPad2. Other areas as well. Just something to be mindful of, and with luck smoothed out soon.

    As for OS X, I've wondered of late if the natural progression would not be a merging of iOS and OS X into one. Although it certainly should not be a merger in one direction only. Some of the discussions on the iPad forum concern those frustrated with the limitations of iOS for real work, such as lack of a real file system. Some have postulated, and surely rightly so, that the iPad is still a device best used in conjunction with something running OS X. The same would hold true for users of the iPhone, as likely very few who consider it their only computer. So, ideally, I could see the best traits of either OS merged into one better, and that expanded in capability.

    In any event, if imperfect, Apple still the best, and much to love.

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  • one1
    May 4, 12:08 AM
    Wow... I rarely run across the checkerboard on mine and when I do it's gone in a second or two. Not obtrusive.

    Surf more than just text pages. The heavier it gets the more checkerboards.

    Apr 5, 05:55 PM
    Looks good. Is there an ad-free version?

    Apr 13, 10:43 AM
    I would prefer the cheaper and more effective way; profiling.

    Also, you can't say security has been working well-- look at the number of incidences of things going through security accidentally via negligence (knives, guns, etc)-- while there's no official numbers, the anecdotal evidence is quite moving.

    Apr 15, 05:55 PM
    Dear Google:

    Apple *already* revolutionized the music industry.

    Try copying something of theirs that's a little less established.

    (and then just leave it in beta like you do with everything else.)


    Apr 15, 04:21 PM
    Maybe the reason why they are having problems with licensing is because of gTunes:D

    Jan 5, 04:38 PM
    Feel it people. A million geeks, all achieving orgasm at the same time. It's such a thing of beauty. :)

    Too bad the keynote wasn't set for December 22nd ( instead.

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