Monday, May 30, 2011

pretty girls with brown hair and green

pretty girls with brown hair and green. Eyes: Green Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Green Hair: Brown

  • Lord Blackadder
    Nov 16, 10:12 AM
    I doubt Apple will go with AMD in the near future - at the moment Intel has the performance lead and the AMD/Intel war is so hot Intel would no doubt punish Apple for adding AMD CPUs to their product line.

    I'm not holding my breath...but I am interested to see what AMD comes out with in answer to the Core 2 Duo. Maybe if AMD regains its competitiveness there will be pressure for Apple to branch out a little.

    pretty girls with brown hair and green. -girl, blue eyes, blonde hair,
  • -girl, blue eyes, blonde hair,

  • PlaceofDis
    Jan 13, 03:04 PM
    That childish prank is close to the kind of thing that Woz pulled in college, so I can appreciate the humor on one level. The problem is that this was done at a trade show and is completely unacceptable behavior for any group passing themselves off as professional journalists or industry bloggers who wish to be taken seriously.

    If I were CES management, I'd ban them for life. Can't imagine Apple will let them anywhere near Moscone.

    agreed. they should totally be banned for this. its not acceptable behavior.

    I agree it was immature.

    Still, it probably will lead vendors to 'secure' their sets in the future, and the fact that it was so obnoxious and obvious means it's very unlikely this sort of vulnerability will present itself next year.

    the thing is, at a trade show, this shouldn't be an issue, as since gizmondo wants to act like a child, people have to spend more time and energy to make sure it doesn't happen again? its everyone paying for some stupid prank that was meaningless in the first place, which is way gizmondo fails.

    pretty girls with brown hair and green. Indian pretty girl with long
  • Indian pretty girl with long

  • Dont Hurt Me
    Nov 16, 08:16 AM
    And people thought Apple could never ever go Intel, so why not? Athlon 64 x2 cores have dropped in price,ati has a bunch of video chips it could mate and this machine would kill any integrated graphic solution if both Apple & Ati were wanting to do this. It would make sense. Rumors:)

    pretty girls with brown hair and green. Pretty Pune girl Amrita,
  • Pretty Pune girl Amrita,

  • jelloshotsrule
    Sep 7, 11:51 PM
    i get the feeling a lot of people are going to jump on the bash kanye west bandwagon since he trashed george bush.

    the racism that is apparent in this thread is frightening though


    pretty girls with brown hair and green. Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Brown

  • asif786
    Sep 10, 07:02 PM
    hokay, i'm a little late to this thread but i'll still chime in..

    with regards to kanye's appearance at the special event, it was okay i guess. he is one of the most 'happening' people in music so it was a good move by apple to pick someone different to who they normally do. plus i guess it woke the crowd up! ;)

    However, i think it would've been cool to get madonna there. she's probably liked a lit more than Kanye. but giving anyone a madonna performance would put a smile on their face..and thats exactly what you want to do at a media event - make the journalists happy. i guess she was just way too busy or she commanded some crazy fee..

    still, madonna's hot. end of. :rolleyes:

    pretty girls with brown hair and green. pretty girl
  • pretty girl

  • yg17
    Apr 13, 12:19 PM
    Let me give you a REAL scenario. I used to use my laptop backpack to carry my lunch to work and I was at the airport heading out of town. What I didn't know is that one of my butter knives had slid down under the lining of the backpack. Of course I went in security and was pulled to the side where I was professionally patted down. They then pulled me off to the side to further inspect the bag. I told them the story and they allowed me to slip it in an envelope to mail it home.

    1. It worked as they did catch a potential weapon.
    2. They were profesional about it the entire time (Boston TSA).
    3. If you cooperate with them it is generally no big deal.

    People that are making this difficult simply like to complain for the sake of complaining. Take the bus....
    4. The most rational response would be to realize that a butter knife cannot harm anyone and allow you to carry it on the plane.


    pretty girls with brown hair and green. MyPartnerForever | Pretty
  • MyPartnerForever | Pretty

  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 02:56 AM
    From engadget (as i couldn't be bothered to look them up myself :P)

    7:00AM - Hawaii
    10:00AM - Pacific
    11:00AM - Mountain
    12:00PM - Central
    1:00PM - Eastern
    5:00PM - GMT
    6:00PM - London
    7:00PM - Paris
    2:00AM - Tokyo (September 13th)

    Keep going... All 13th September:

    5am - New Zealand
    3am - Eastern Australia
    2:30am - Central Australia
    1am - Western Australia

    pretty girls with brown hair and green. (Boston, MA, USA). Brown PInk
  • (Boston, MA, USA). Brown PInk

  • Eye4Desyn
    Apr 16, 07:09 AM
    I'm calling it B.S. for sure. The shell geometry is insanely archaic and looks nothing like the fluidic form-factor seen on current and previous iPhones as well as the iPad. Creases where edges and surfaces meet are way too harsh for Apple's I.D. standards. FAKE!!


    pretty girls with brown hair and green. green eyes also,
  • green eyes also,

  • robgreene
    Mar 28, 10:37 PM
    Are you new to the design awards? They have existed for years without the App Store. It used to to be that you would submit your app to Apple prior to WWDC. Why would an App Store be required?

    The people that used to review all those apps for the contest now have tens of thousands of apps to review... on the APP STORE. This is a perfectly reasonable request.

    pretty girls with brown hair and green. First Girl! aka Me!
  • First Girl! aka Me!

  • ThePoach
    Jul 21, 04:21 PM
    So if another car company was hiding the same problem Toyota had, and Toyota pointed it out, that would be wrong? Why are the other companies denying it?

    Yes it would.. maybe that is why Toyota was able to surpass all these claims, assuming most of them were real since everyone is trying to make a quick buck these days lol. They dealt with their own problems and I would buy a Toyota any day:)

    Question for you Hovey.. Are you working for Apple????

    Is that you Mr. Jobs, answering questions again? lol


    pretty girls with brown hair and green. Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Brown

  • Mac-Addict
    Oct 11, 10:15 AM
    Well, the difference there is that Microsoft used Engadget and others as part of their marketing campaign - "leaking" product information and photos to them to try and drum up interest. They did the same thing before with their "leaks" of Origami to try and build up hype. Of course, Zune seems to have gained more traction than UMPC (perhaps because the Zune is basically using a model that has been proven successful by the iPod).

    Apple on the other hand just doesn't seem to leak product information ahead of time any more, and they also don't seem to need to do that kind of thing to generate hype and excitement for their products.

    But apple doesn't need to drum up any excitement for the products, leaking just makes people think.. wow.. thats really nice (10 seconds later) yeah seen it, boring! So apple doesnt leak much makes everyone think hmm i wonder what apple has in store for us next.. could it be a ipod the size of my house or whatever. The way apple deal with there products is the way they create these communities.

    pretty girls with brown hair and green. stock photo : pretty young
  • stock photo : pretty young

  • spillproof
    Sep 28, 04:25 PM
    I do love the pocket door idea.

    I wonder if he will have a glass spiral staircase?


    pretty girls with brown hair and green. Hair: Brown (Died Black)
  • Hair: Brown (Died Black)

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 16, 03:52 PM
    What's go good about it?

    It's like dropbox but free for 5GB. :rolleyes:

    You get 20gbs if you purchase an mp3 album...or pretend to. I purchased 6 foot 7 foot by Lil Wayne one song and 99 cents

    pretty girls with brown hair and green. Cute Girls 2 larger image
  • Cute Girls 2 larger image

  • twoodcc
    Dec 10, 08:51 AM
    well i got a new computer case and new cpu cooler last weekend, and today is the day i take one of my systems all the way down and build it back up.

    the case is a Cooler Master 922 HAF. it was on sale for $89. the cpu cooler is a silenx extreme silent cpu cooler effizio. wish me luck! :cool:


    pretty girls with brown hair and green. Shamrock Girl Round Sticker by
  • Shamrock Girl Round Sticker by

  • Hastings101
    May 4, 03:23 PM
    I've considered it, just to be a show off. Kinda like Eidorian's post above, I'm known as the guy with gadgets and knowledge by friends/family. Whipping out a 40" screen from my pocket wouldn't hurt. ;)

    Make sure to post back when you figure out a way to do that lol

    pretty girls with brown hair and green. pretty girl
  • pretty girl

  • Mr_Brightside_@
    Apr 11, 07:38 AM
    Excellent sig. ;)
    Shoulda seen the last one


    pretty girls with brown hair and green. pretty girl. long hair.
  • pretty girl. long hair.

  • buffalo
    Jan 5, 07:07 PM
    Maybe I'm missing something, but doesn't the idea of a spoiler-free experience sort of run completely opposite to the purpose of this site? You sit around all year reading rumors and then don't want to be spoiled three hours before they post the keynote? Huh?

    When you spend the whole year waiting for the event you want the moment to be perfect.

    pretty girls with brown hair and green. WD Special Hair 2008 comes in
  • WD Special Hair 2008 comes in

  • Clive At Five
    Oct 3, 03:42 PM
    Merrom MBP ;p

    Man... the Merom MBP has become the new PowerBook G5


    pretty girls with brown hair and green. uuu.jpg Brown Hair Green
  • uuu.jpg Brown Hair Green

  • Mr. MacBook
    Mar 26, 05:00 PM
    Your thinking too much about the worst side of things. Aren't you grateful they didnt steal umm... $10000?

    Aug 1, 08:40 PM
    I spent 15 minutes registering for an account only to find out that The Daily Show is off limits for Norwegian buyers. I then tried to buy a DVD - only to discover that the DVD is US zone only. The Apple DVD player will not play it without a zone switch. And max is 4 times per OS install.

    The only way I can get The Daily Show is:

    1 - $$$ porn package from cable company
    2 - YouTube
    3 - Piracy

    I'm not 12 years old.. I don't have the time to pirate anything. So the only TDS for me is on YouTube. Quail hunting with the VP !!

    iTunes+DRM == Avis. You don't own ****. So... in Norway... DRM ! It's a crime !!

    Also.. The default M4A bit rate used by iTunes is a joke. You have to be 80 years old not to notice the huge difference between a CD and a standard iTunes M4A track.

    Nov 16, 04:38 PM
    awe dude now ive gotta stay up and find out! (its 10:30pm UK time!)

    If it makes you sleepier, I don't have any inside information - I don't even know anyone who works at an Apple Store. I could be wrong, but it makes no sense to me that anyone would put down their online store on a Thursday afternoon a month and a half before Christmas unless it was a product update (well, frankly, I don't understand why Apple product updates on the Store work the way they do, but ).

    [EDIT: Apparently, I am all wet. Looks like it was just a facelift.]

    Third possibility: Mac mini Core 2 Duo - Apple Insider said there was a link to a page for them but no page.

    Apr 15, 09:01 PM
    Of course Google's going to have growing pains. It's new territory for them. They'll get it sorted out.

    It's not only new territory, it's outside their core competency. Like Cisco selling cameras or Google selling phones.

    Competition is good for the consumer. It results in innovation and downward pressure on prices.

    If competition results in innovation, why has the Windows PC not evolved into something better. Lord knows that arena is packed with competition.

    The downward pressure on prices actually inhibits innovation. R & D is the first thing to go when the pressure gets high. The focus becomes, "How can we make this cheaper?" Let that go on for a couple decades and you get such poorly made PCs that they are disposable.

    Apple 26.2
    Mar 24, 03:18 PM
    El numero diez para el OS X... felicidades!

    Oct 17, 04:20 PM
    The porn industry did choose blu-ray because of capactiy and because they believe the PS3 will be a huge factor in the winning format.

    GO HERE! (

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