Tuesday, May 31, 2011

wallpapers of nature

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  • nature wallpaper pc.

  • jonhcox
    Apr 15, 03:01 PM
    Honestly, I dig the look of it but I have my doubts about the sharp edges. I can almost promise you that the photos are faked but I'm seeing that most of us already know that. I can see the body being aluminum- isn't the Droid aluminum? There would definitely need to be a place for the antenna- black plastic or something.

    I'm hoping for something different this time. My 3G has held up well except for a broken ear speaker, but I'd like to see them push it a little as far as design. Every time I see an EVO 4G- I look at it longingly.

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  • wallpaper nature 2011. hd

  • Hovey
    Jul 21, 12:41 PM
    You seem to have missed the "... MORE than iPhone 3gs" part.

    A better antenna should drop FEWER calls (unless there's a flaw)

    Yeah but none of us know what that number is. It could be a full 1/100 for all we know. 2-5% is still pretty good. There will NEVER be a phone that never drops a call, ever. We also don't know other manufacturers ratio. There's probably a reason why they don't give that information.

    wallpapers of nature. Cool Nature Wallpaper
  • Cool Nature Wallpaper

  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 03:02 AM
    I believe that an airport extreme, or 802.11g is plenty fast to stream High-def Video

    It's not. You need wireless USB for that. 802.11g would need a sizeable buffer and then it's not technically streaming.

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  • nature wallpaper hd. wallpaper

    Nov 16, 05:16 PM
    blatantly inaccurate.

    wallpapers of nature. is a resized wallpaper,
  • is a resized wallpaper,

  • MagicBoy
    Mar 24, 08:08 PM
    Windows has been downhill since DOS.

    Pardon? Want to try that again?

    wallpapers of nature. Nature Landscape wallpaper
  • Nature Landscape wallpaper

  • mcmlxix
    Apr 5, 04:50 PM
    �iAd Gallery is a free download.� I would certainly hope so.

    Could you imagine a TV channel that is nothing but ads? In a way QVC/HSN are a little bit like that. I just hope iAD Gallery won�t be hawking porcelain figurines, food dehydrators, and authentic, genuine, faux diamonelle rings.

    Oh yeah�what would I do oo oo for a Klondike Bar.

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  • 3d nature wallpapers.

  • Azathoth
    May 3, 05:46 PM
    Two answers come to mind:

    wallpapers of nature. Nature Landscape wallpaper
  • Nature Landscape wallpaper

  • Koronis
    Apr 8, 12:45 PM
    What a surprise, Tech Crunch got a story completely wrong

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  • Wallpapers Nature series 10

  • copykris
    Apr 7, 04:57 AM
    Vintage poster - it will look great in my media room!

    love it

    wallpapers of nature. nature wallpaper nature
  • nature wallpaper nature

  • iVeBeenDrinkin'
    Apr 6, 05:31 PM

    Picked it up at Wawa...it's delicious!!

    I'm gonna have to try this.

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  • wallpapers of nature for

  • slb
    Oct 3, 11:50 PM
    They might get laughed at but apple will be the ones laughing when their the first to debut santa rosa with 800mhz fsb and nand flash. Hopefully this is whats going to happen

    This is what I'm waiting for before considering a Core 2 Mac purchase. However, the current version of the Merom is drop-in replaceable with the Core Duo, so it's strange for Apple to not have something ready for the holidays. I believe they'll quietly update the MacBooks and MacBook Pros sometime in November with Core 2s.

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  • wallpapers of nature 3d.

  • GFLPraxis
    Apr 13, 12:05 PM
    Go ahead and opt out of your full-body scans... if you're doing it for the "health" reason you're tilting at a very small windmill.

    The "Health" angle is murky, but TSA uses opt-out ratios as proof of acceptance. They've put out multiple press releases pushing >2% opt out rates as proof that people feel safer and don't mind the new security measures. So, I'm going to opt out every time, if for no other reason than to drive up the cost for them.

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  • desktop wallpaper hd nature.

  • chrisdazzo
    Apr 6, 10:21 AM

    Bought it yesterday.

    The things I would do for a 512... :(

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  • +of+nature+wallpaper

  • rtdgoldfish
    Mar 24, 12:44 AM
    Does anyone out there know where Connect360 saves its log to?? I have the setting enabled for "Detailed Logging (Debug Mode)" turned on but I can't seem to find where it is located on my HD. This would really be helpful since I am not sitting at my laptop 24/7 waiting for this idiot to connect to my network.


    wallpapers of nature. Desktop wallpapers, nature
  • Desktop wallpapers, nature

  • Adamo
    Oct 4, 08:06 AM
    I imagine they should be banned from MacWorld, but I also think it's the funniest thing I've seen today and absolutely hilarious. :)

    wallpapers of nature. Nature desktop wallpapers
  • Nature desktop wallpapers

  • Rodimus Prime
    Aug 8, 10:03 AM
    Plug-in hybrids put additional strain on the power grid, a strain it cannot currently handle on a large scale. So plugin electrics are not ready for large-scale adoption yet. If electric cars are to be the future, our power grid needs to be made much, much higher capacity AND a lot greener.

    Lifestyle choices are always going to trump technology in terms of impact on the environment and saving fuel. If everyone made it a point to buy a more efficient car the next time they buy a vehicle, the impact would be truly staggering. If everyone bought a 10% more efficient car, the fuel savings would add up fast.

    We can't rely on technology to pick up the slack and protect us from our own destructive lifestyles. We need to be proactive and make changes, even sacrifices. I admit I still love my sportscars, but they are the least of our worries - it's all the big SUV daily drivers and trucks that are killing us.

    The problem with the US is out transportation system was never laid out for a good mass transit. We have massive urban sprawl and no real way solve that problem. Add in the fact that rail systems were never designed into the system so retrofitting them is will be very costly and very difficult to do.

    As for the mass eletric cars I think you pass over my point about how most of them will be charged at night during off peak hours which means for the most part the grid can take a a huge number of them before we will start having a real issue.

    We need something to replace the use of gas. Hybrids I will say are a great thing to bridge between our combustion engine and what ever is next. Things like the volt I think are the best examples of the bridge because we just need to replace the power generator and that is fairly easy to do compared to having to figure out some other type of engine to move the car. We have electric motors that we can advance for moving.

    Reducing our usage of fuel I would argue is a dead end tech. All it will do is delay the problem but not solve it. Hybrids bridge us to the solution.

    wallpapers of nature. natures wallpapers. Nature
  • natures wallpapers. Nature

  • Cutwolf
    Mar 17, 01:20 AM

    Attack of the 16 year olds.

    Explains a lot.

    I hope he sold you a stolen iPad and you get arrested.

    wallpapers of nature. Nature Wallpapers for 22 inch
  • Nature Wallpapers for 22 inch

  • Advil
    Apr 15, 04:43 PM
    the way it tapers in the back... no way ive would let that happen

    wallpapers of nature. Nature Wallpapers are free for
  • Nature Wallpapers are free for

  • Abstract
    Apr 9, 06:57 AM
    Other than keeping applications in self-contained folders, I don't see any of this as copying. Even so, having applications run as self-contained folders isn't even an Apple idea.

    Different Microsoft IE versions for mobile phones, and computers? OH NOES!! :eek:

    Built-in PDF reader?! OMG!! What next, will Windows let you resize windows from all 4 corners rather than.......oh wait, it already does.

    Apr 21, 10:59 AM
    What additional value does this provide?

    Sep 25, 04:28 PM
    I guess I mean support without any hacks necessary.

    As long as you had enough RAM, the right processor, and the right version of Mac OS X, it was supported. It hasn't changed in the low level requirements. :)

    My machine didn't have enough RAM, so it was immediately rejected. However, they were doing me a favour because the dual and dual core G5s still had performance issues with it.

    May 2, 11:24 AM
    Did you read my post?

    My point is - that if the switch to turn off Data Roaming was the one that failed, people wouldn't be divided. I think pretty much everyone would point the finger at Apple for it's failure to QA the "off switch"

    The Location Services on/off switch did not work. Period. And yet people want to make this about people not reading the EULA.

    Maybe you missed when I wrote "IF" in that sentence?

    ETA: you changed your post. The point is the same. Read above. The OS had "bugs". They are being fixed. That's important. Apple "promised" via the EULA that the location services could be turned off. It doesn't matter whether the data collected is useful or not. What matters is if they offer a way to turn it off, it should turn off. It didn't.

    The analogy is correct. Some might consider their personal data of value - just like money is.

    I changed my post because when I read it again I realized I misunderstood what you were saying. I thought I had edited it before anyone read it. My apologies for that. Still, I stand by my edit. I don't think the two situations are comparable.

    Apr 26, 03:00 AM
    apple always gives us surprise(?), so we might have

    iphone 4 = the one that we have now
    iphone 4S = a new one with A5 chip
    iphone 4L = a new one with bigger screen but old chip
    iphone 4SL = a new one with A5 chip and bigger screen

    Oct 28, 02:21 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Apple appears to have pulled the publicly accessible Mac OS 10.4.8 Source Code (Darwin, the open-source foundation of OS X, and XNU, Darwin's open-source kernel), leaving only developers with ADC log-ins with access to the code (public link (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/), ADC link (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/tarballs/apsl/))

    Earlier this week, the OSx86 project (http://osx86project.org/) released a version of the 10.4.8 kernel (http://semthex.freeflux.net/blog/archive/2006/10/24/haleluja-it-s-done.html) that was hailed to be 100% legal according to the APSL and run on any x86 machine. Prior to this release, Apple's code would only run on Apple's hardware due to various dependencies (such as EFI).

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