Monday, May 30, 2011

cute anime emo love

cute anime emo love. cute anime love drawings.
  • cute anime love drawings.

  • starnox
    Sep 12, 08:09 AM
    When's this event happening (GMT)?

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  • emo cartoons in love. emo love

  • eric55lv
    Jan 15, 04:54 PM
    . Although i was dissapointed with one thing...NO "ONE MORE THING".....:eek:

    I know they always do that

    cute anime emo love. cute anime emo love. Anime Emo, Black And White; Anime Emo, Black And White. Russell L. Aug 10, 01:56 PM
  • cute anime emo love. Anime Emo, Black And White; Anime Emo, Black And White. Russell L. Aug 10, 01:56 PM

  • Perrumpo
    Apr 8, 12:19 PM
    You definitely don't want to judge Room by its cover. Disturbing premise.
    And Connelly's latest Mickey Haller novel.

    Westy 12. Best beer in the world, only available in Belgium.

    The fantastic Dreadnaught Imperial IPA from Three Floyds, only in Indiana.

    Beer run

    Shelf for beer

    And some coffee Patron for good measure.

    cute anime emo love. emo anime love kiss. emo love
  • emo anime love kiss. emo love

  • e�Studios
    Mar 23, 06:15 PM
    This is fascinating!
    Out of curiosity how built up is your area? Is this a neighbour you've spoke too before? I think I'd feel worse if one of my neighbours stole something rather than some thief I never met before. That said they're mostly old folk, Paul Scholes and a pub so I don't expect any of them to steal from me!

    Anyway. I can't wait to hear how this ends. It sounds like it's all going to work out if you can just get the police into that house. Surely you'll be able to prove it's yours there and then by some serial number, hard drive key or something?

    They couldnt tell if they were on your network Jimmi, it drops so much :p

    to the OP, i hope you get your x360 back soon, good luck.


    cute anime emo love. anime emo love wallpaper.
  • anime emo love wallpaper.

  • peeInMyPantz
    Sep 12, 08:18 AM
    since they haven't take down apple store for update, does that mean no new product? just new service? i'm waiting for a MB/MBP update

    cute anime emo love. cute emo love
  • cute emo love

  • SevenInchScrew
    Apr 9, 05:15 PM
    The fact that you typed ALL OF THAT up and posted it in a thread about "Windows 8 Rumors" is amazing. You are my new favorite poster here at MR. Your trolling knows no bounds.

    cute anime emo love. cute emo love anime.
  • cute emo love anime.

  • anotherarunan
    Jan 15, 03:22 PM
    Nothing on the cinema displays? Does anyone else think the displays are rapidly loosing market share due to a lack of updates over the last 18+ months?

    i agree. I think it would have made sense to drop them in price in line with the mac pro update...and they didnt

    so i then thought there was something new and radical at macworld...and no.

    only thing i can think of now, is that they will get an update alongside a mac mini update (whenever that happens) because IMO they are starting to look very overpriced!

    cute anime emo love. Cute emo boy party invitations
  • Cute emo boy party invitations

  • TheChillPill
    Jan 6, 04:03 AM
    I would love to do this, but I'm put off by the whole 'unusable stream' thing that is inevitable for the first day or so.

    It's a shame Apple don't use the same tech used for their movie trailers - at least that way I can wait until it's half loaded before I start watching. That way it can be watched without any stutters or pauses.

    Even better, a full download via bittorrent would be ideal - and no doubt save them a packet on bandwidth.

    That said, am I correct in thinking that you can save the completed file with QT Pro? Perhaps someone could do that and make a torrent from it?

    cute anime emo love. How to Draw Emo Love enlarge
  • How to Draw Emo Love enlarge

  • smadder
    Jan 14, 05:32 PM
    Worse than lame.

    Where does Gizmodo operate from? I'm going to pay them a visit and turn their monitors off. If you can't tell that's a metaphor for kicking them in the shins and then the face.

    And then maybe if there's enough time, I'll force them to watch Dark Planet or that episode of Battlestar Galactica 1980 where the kids go up in a tree and turn invisible and start throwing apples at the people down below and they have those ridiculous viper bikes.

    Anyone remember Tek Wars? What a show!

    That... that was something.

    cute anime emo love. cute love quotes and sayings
  • cute love quotes and sayings

  • tribalogical
    Nov 23, 05:03 PM
    Would a US .Mac code bought now work in the UK in February? ;-)

    This is a "yes"...

    I subscribed to .mac while living in Japan, then moved back to the U.S.... there was no difference in the service, I just changed my address in the main account profile. As long as you pay, I think they don't care where you live... :P


    cute anime emo love. cute emo love anime.
  • cute emo love anime.

  • aeneas07
    Oct 6, 11:46 AM
    Getting back to the actual advertisement. What self-respecting advertising professional would use someone else's tagline like that.

    I had a few friends watching the football game (where we saw the ad) and half of them thought it was an iphone commercial because they were only half paying attention and heard "there's a map for that".

    Pretty shoddy work in my opinion.

    cute anime emo love. cute emo love anime.
  • cute emo love anime.

  • JML42691
    Apr 23, 07:34 PM
    If I'm honest I don't really like it, it's an interesting idea certainly but as long as downvoted posts aren't hidden or collapsed eventually once they reach a certain amount of downvotes I think it will be okay, because it won't change the way threads are displayed or how/if people speak their mind.
    Very much agreed.

    And not sure if it has been suggested/discussed yet, but I think a "+" should be included for the positively rated posts as well, not really sure why but I think it would look nicer and more balanced.

    This setup on a post by post basis works really well, much better than an overall reputation system like other forums use where one bad post/thread can kill your reputation.

    cute anime emo love. cute emo love anime. anime aboutemosad
  • cute emo love anime. anime aboutemosad

  • thequicksilver
    Jan 5, 07:48 PM
    If it was live you wouldnt get all the split screen editing etc. It would be quite a linear and boring presentation.

    Editing the feed can give emphasis to certain aspects and also cut out anything that goes wrong.

    Believe it or not this isn't the case. I was at the Paris Expo in 2004 sat directly behind the video editing booth in the middle of the hall with a clear view of the editor's screen. The split screens and the like were prepared one slide in advance and all was done as it went along.

    I was one of the first few outside of Apple to see the new iMac G5, about 30 seconds in front of everyone else. :)

    cute anime emo love. cute emo love anime. cute emo
  • cute emo love anime. cute emo

  • lostprophet894
    Apr 15, 04:01 PM
    In the second picture, it seems like whoever was doing the editing couldn't quite get the text in the right position. It looks completely off, kinda in a downward slant to the right.

    I would assume the big gap on the side is supposed to be an SD slot.

    cute anime emo love. EMO Love Rocks! even though
  • EMO Love Rocks! even though

  • Anuba
    Jan 12, 05:44 PM
    Someone asked you what you were hoping for, and that's it? You call it not revolutionary, but you can't give a single idea of what you think revolutionary is? :confused:
    Ideally, a revolutionary product is a completely new concept, something nobody thought of before. If all the iPhone mockups out there had missed the mark, the iPhone would be revolutionary, but there were quite a few that were based on the idea of a huge display and no keys. The iPhone is a mishmash of existing concepts that have been refined, polished and rolled into one. While the multi-touch screen is a milestone of sorts, other aspects of the iPhone are very yesterday. The modest memory, for one, and for another the absence of 3G which is somewhat of a shocker - 3G has been a staple of top-of-the-line phones for years now.

    Did I miss the part of the keynote where Steve said this was aimed at the business market? :eek:
    If not the business market, then who? It can't be kids, as it has no games, and allegedly no support for custom ringtones. It can't be business users, since they'll want Outlook or Lotus Notes sync, and possibly a navigator, and they'll most definitely not want to use frickin' iTunes to sync up. Which leaves, I dunno... Mac enthusiasts and 30-somethings who are hoping for 15 minutes of fame by the watercooler? He did say his goal was 10 million units.

    cute anime emo love. cute emo love anime
  • cute emo love anime

  • iOS v Android
    May 3, 01:47 PM
    And why is this on mac rumors.

    Does it really matter what the competition does.

    cute anime emo love. anime emo love wallpaper. Cute
  • anime emo love wallpaper. Cute

  • alfmil
    Apr 14, 05:56 PM
    Hasn't anyone noticed that not a single US plane has been hijacked in the past 10 years? A quick look at Wikipedia shows 7 US planes hijacked in the 1970s, several in the 80s and 90s. Four planes were hijacked in 2001 (all on the same day....) - and then not a single US, European, Japanese plane has been hijacked.

    Something is working.....

    Homer Simpson: Not a bear in sight. The Bear Patrol must be working like a charm.

    Lisa Simpson: That�s specious reasoning, Dad.

    Homer: Thank you, dear.

    Lisa: By your logic I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away.

    Homer: Oh, how does it work?

    Lisa: It doesn�t work.

    Homer: Uh-huh.

    Lisa: It�s just a stupid rock.

    Homer: Uh-huh.

    Lisa: But I don�t see any tigers around, do you?

    Homer: Lisa, I want to buy your rock.

    cute anime emo love. emo anime
  • emo anime

  • BeefUK
    Aug 10, 04:31 PM
    wnurse I see what your sayin but, i'm lookin to buy and ACD and Dells are much cheaper plus they support HDCP.

    The real problem with ACD is that they don't have HDCP in the DVIs. Bying such a large monitor (I'm targeting 23") is 5-year investment. And bying one now, without HDCP is a wasted money because in 2 years HD movies would be mainstream and you could not watch them on that nice big monitor you bought..

    I agree with aleck, I want to be able to connect the monitor to the PS3 when they are released, and not have to buy a new one to watch films.

    cute anime emo love. cute emo love anime. to draw
  • cute emo love anime. to draw

  • SockRolid
    Apr 29, 06:57 PM
    I booted into snow leopard on another partition after using Lion for a while and I had trouble not scrolling inversely. I've gotten quite used to it.

    Agree that Lion scrolling makes more sense now that iOS is so popular. But the odd "slider" tab controller really didn't make sense to me. It was animation for animation's sake.

    Oct 3, 12:23 PM
    It was right after macworld (actually the same day) that i bought my 20" imac, intel version. I still love the machine to death although its time to upgrade my ram to 2gig and revel over the 24" version of my machine. I'm really hoping macworld gives at least more info on the itv with some better features and specs. I don't think it will be released there but here's to hoping.

    Sep 25, 06:45 PM
    Well I guess what I am saying is that the graphics card really doesn't have the muscle that, say, four processor cores do. You should see what my activity monitor does when I crush some havy stuff - it might use two cores if I am lucky.

    And what I'm saying is that once you step down from a $4000 machine you see a much larger power ratio in the graphics card/processor image crunching.
    Take my set up, I'm betting that using my graphics card benafits me greatly.

    In your case though it would be awesome to hand more of that off to the extra procs.

    John Purple
    Jan 14, 12:48 PM
    Notebooks with (satelite) tv radio build-in
    Isn't that in the air :cool:

    Sep 12, 07:00 AM
    Daffy Duck is from Warner, not Disney.

    Sufferin' Soccatacsshhhh!!!!

    Nov 16, 12:46 PM
    Do they have to remake a new "Universal Binary?" Because aren't the current UB's for Intel and PPC? Please tell me they wont. I don't wnat to have to wait again for new UB's

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