Sunday, June 26, 2011

bow wow shirtless

images Nelly shirtless bow wow shirtless. to Chris Brown and Bow Wow
  • to Chris Brown and Bow Wow

  • sangmami
    08-16 10:09 AM
    i called the bank too and they cant read the check neither..i can see a number starting with ent only....where in the checkexactly do we look for the receipt number.

    wallpaper to Chris Brown and Bow Wow bow wow shirtless. Gossipteen Sneak Peek taylor
  • Gossipteen Sneak Peek taylor

  • ImmiRam
    09-13 05:05 PM
    Whom are you going to sue? Which 'LAW' did they break? Yes you can sue federal agencies or any government agency (up to certain extent), IF you can prove they are breaking law.

    Unless they are breaking some law, chances of winning or even getting a class-action status are very very bleak. Not to mention, the additional legal costs involved.

    Instead, like Pappu said, its better to concentrate our efforts on working with lawmakers....

    Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, just quoted from common sense...I might be wrong..

    Thanks..I am saying or implying that they broke a Law..I am not an expert in law.. I was just intrigued by what is written on the homepage ""It is discriminatory to have laws that subject immigrants from 4 nations to more backlogs and the resulting hardship from such backlogs."

    So from all the replies , it looks like Money is the main issue ( and off course effort & commitment ).

    We are having donation drives here right? Need to get inputs from law experts and if they think we have a chance - why not ?

    bow wow shirtless. hair ow wow shirtless. of
  • hair ow wow shirtless. of

  • pappu
    06-05 11:43 AM
    If you plan it right, you should not have problems.
    - have your new employer apply for Perm asap anyways. These days labor comes in 45- 60 days via perm. You should immediately apply for i140. The 140 is also taking 3-6 months. Once you get your 140 you can apply for a 3 year extension instead of 1 year since 365 day rule applies if your labor was filed 365 days earlier and you do not have either labor or labor and 140 approved. Others in the forum can correct me if i am wrong.

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  • Bow Wow Shirtless Pictures amp;

  • kevinkris
    10-10 05:23 PM
    Beware of contractual agreements between your company and the end client. Normally they will have contrac that you will no join the vendor or client directly after the contract is terminated. You will be in legal problems. This is nothing to do with your GC.

    I recommend, since you go GC find a job else where once you are fired by your company.


    bow wow shirtless. Tags: Bow-wow
  • Tags: Bow-wow

  • up_guy
    07-25 09:20 AM
    AC21 Attorney Selection (Suggested by new employer Vs selected by you)
    ================================================== ===
    Subject : While changing jobs we have two options
    1) Hire your new attorney and you pay for it or
    2) Use the attorney that is recommended by your employers and its paid my new employer

    Agenda : Discuss Pros and Cons of each options

    My views : Its better to use attorney from your new employer because its free, because s/he can better coordinate with the employer to get the offer letter describing same and similar job duties and also if you change to another job again you can change this attorney have options and they are at no cost to you

    Does anyone differ from me and has any reason that why should I go for my own attroney (not using new employers attorney) for AC21 ?

    Thanks any advance for your participation in this discussion

    bow wow shirtless. Rapper Bow Wow who has had
  • Rapper Bow Wow who has had

  • RNGC
    02-10 06:32 PM
    RNGC .. great work done by your little princes ... am eagerly waiting to see the letter ... guess when you post in the forum you have an option to attach certain documents like pdf etc ...


    uploaded the letter...


    bow wow shirtless. Bow Wow Shirtless PSD
  • Bow Wow Shirtless PSD

  • singhsa3
    06-02 03:54 PM
    What is the basis for the answers? Please provide some reference.

    I thought that answer to
    Q1: Yes they need to re do I-140
    Q2 : Regular timeframe

    Happy Scenario

    1) Once my EB2 labor gets approved, Do they have to file new I 140 again (OR) can they use the approved I 140 (EB3) to port my PD to EB2 application - No need to File for 140

    3) If they have to file I 140 again for this I 140 goes through the regular time frames (12months) (OR) since my EB3 140 is already approved my EB2 140 gets approved faster. -- They approve Faster in a month

    Not so Happy scenario and reality

    1) Once my EB2 labor gets approved, Do they have to file new I 140 again (OR) can they use the approved I 140 (EB3) to port my PD to EB2 application - You need to File for 140 after the labor approval 6+months

    3) If they have to file I 140 again for this I 140 goes through the regular time frames (12months) (OR) since my EB3 140 is already approved my EB2 140 gets approved faster. -- Takes 1+ year to get your 140 approved + you need to wait for 6 months+ to get your 485 interfile updated

    We are talking about atleast 2 to 3 years to get from EB3 to EB2 , so Please participate in IV campigns , call the representatives

    2010 hair ow wow shirtless. of bow wow shirtless. Nelly shirtless
  • Nelly shirtless

  • sobers
    06-16 10:03 PM
    The only reason why the House hasn't given in on CIRA is because of the incessant pressure of restrictionists such as NUmbersUSA activists. Look at how active they are. Granted one has to be a Citizen to vote, but the first amendment gives us ALL the right to free speech and express ourselves. That is why IV is legal, and that is why the least we can do is a webfax campaign regarding Skilled Immigration (SKIL bill) AND show up at local meetings with Congressman.

    Believe me, if we don't speak up, no one is going to do it for us. People like me with 02 priority dates are going to wait atleast two more years, folks who filed in 05 may get to wait 5+ years for their GC. This is the way things look currently.

    The Illegals like the Chamber of Commerce, the big lobby Ag, Hotel/Travel, Construction, Meat-Packing, Industries, the Catholic Church and big ethic lobbies like MALDEF, La Raza, besides millions of hispanic votes.

    The other side also has the power of millions of votes and a LOUD VOICE.

    We have nothing compared to them. You can see we are small fish...that is why we need to do all we can to make ourselves heard.

    From: Roy Beck <> Add to Address Book
    Date: 2006/06/09 Fri PM 02:15:30 EDT
    Subject: Time to turn up the heat on Congress

    .t1generaltext { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #000000; padding-top: 3px; padding-right: 5px; padding-bottom: 3px; padding-left: 5px; margin: 0px; } >
    From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
    Date: Friday 9JUN06 9:30 a.m. EDT

    Please take some actions today .... and prepare for many more actions next week


    Thanks to all of you who -- in the two weeks since the Senate voted for a massive immigration increase and amnesty -- have been regularly checking your Action Buffet for new actions and who have been responding to the several Fax Alerts that we have sent you.

    Now, it is time to really start turning up the heat again.

    I'm asking each one of you to do at least one of the following TODAY.

    Members of Congress are feeling great pressure from our side, but we must really escalate that pressure if we are to totally block all the immigration increases in the Senate bill. Thus far, the Republican majority in the House of Representatives has stood firm against the national Republican Party leaders and President Bush. We have a lot of hope that the House can hold the line against the amnesty/open borders plan of President Bush, the Republican National Committee and nearly all Senate Democrats. BUT IT WILL HAPPEN ONLY IF ALL OF YOU DO WHAT YOU DID IN APRIL AND MAY.

    There are a lot more of YOU than there used to be.

    Last Saturday, our Activist Membership crossed the 200,000 mark! That means we have almost 100,000 more of you working together in this cause than we had last December when we pressured for toughening amendments to the House-passed H.R. 4437.

    Action No. 1: Send all the faxes that have accumulated on your Action Buffet corkboard.

    We can tell from the number of faxes that have been ordered over the last two weeks that many of you have taken a much-deserved break from activism and not been sending the new faxes we have posted on your customized corkboard.

    Please go now to:

    Action No. 2: Tell us when and where your Senators and Representative are holding town hall meetings

    You should see a thumb-tacked note on your corkboard asking for this information. When you click on the note, you will go to a page that will give you good instructions for how to track down this information.

    There is no central place to find out when and where Members of Congress expose themselves to the voters. In fact, they try to keep it as secret as possible because they don't really want to have to hear directly from you.

    That is why the town hall meeting part of our Action Buffet is so very important.

    NumbersUSA doesn't have the staff to dig out potential meetings of all 535 Members of Congress. We MUST rely on you to send us that info on your own Members so we can share with everybody else from your state and District.

    Click on corkboard note to send us town hall meeting information

    Action No. 3: Attend any meeting or event where your Senators or Representative are expected to appear

    Nothing you do will be as powerful as attending in person one of the events where your Members of Congress appears, and then asking a question or making a statement about immigration -- or even holding up a sign giving your view on immigration -- or applauding another voter who expresses your opinion on immigration.

    You all have become great faxers and phoners. But we must have many, many more of you personally confronting the Members of Congress -- especially the ones who have Immigration Grades ranging from F-minus to B.

    See your Members' immigration grades at:

    If you see a thumb-tacked note on your corkboard that announces a meeting of one of your Members of Congress, PLEASE LOOK AT IT -- and make plans to attend.

    Get some friends to go with you to ensure that you will have a cheering section.

    And be sure to use the feedback devices on our page that allow you to easily let us know you are planning to attend and to give us a report when you return.

    Action No. 4: Call some friends or let us know that you plan to visit the local office of your Representative or one of your Senators next week

    These Members of Congress must have voters in their local offices putting the pressure on their staffs to block the Senate amnesty and immigration increases.

    If you are interested in doing this but don't want to go alone, send us an email through our Help Desk form and we will put you in touch with other people in your area who are trying to make a trip.

    PLEASE NOTE: We have a new way of your communicating to us in which you cannot just hit REPLY to our Alerts anymore.

    We are not trying to make things difficult for you. But with 200,000 members, our staff simply has not been able to keep up with your emails. We have hired two interns for the summer to help Jon and Jeremy. But we also must create a better system of categories if we are to provide the level of service we once did.

    So, you should always communicate with us by:

    (a) clicking on the CONTACT US link in the navigation bar at the top of our web pages. That takes you to the HELP FORM link.

    (b) or putting this address in your directory and regularly using it:

    On the Help Form page, you choose the category in which you are writing and send us an email that way.

    Thousands of people have already started using this form in the last month, and it is accelerating our ability to respond.


    Thanks for jumping into this TODAY before you move into your weekend family and recreation activities.

    Then, please, plan to do something Monday and during the rest of the week.

    We will be sending you additional guidance on how best to stop the amnesty -- or at least keep it from passing this month. The longer we can delay this, the better our chances are of winning.

    Thank you,

    -- ROY


    bow wow shirtless. Bow-Wow-shirtless-450a1029081.jpg
  • Bow-Wow-shirtless-450a1029081.jpg

  • regacct
    04-26 08:27 AM
    I am working in company Vision System Group Inc (VSG INC). They are under USCIS investigation and involved in illegal activities. (Vision Systems Group Inc., was indicted in a 10-count federal indictment that included one count of conspiracy, eight counts of mail fraud, and one count of 'Notice of Forfeiture' in the amount of $7.4 million.) .
    For more detail please read here 11 arrested, indicted in multi-state visa fraud operation (
    Many more similar link by searching Vision Systems Inc Group on Google.

    They have sister concern companies:

    Cornerstone Information Systems

    They all managed by same owner and management.
    Company first delayed the payment by 6 weeks. They pay salary more then one month late (example on March 7, I get salary on period Jan 16- Jan 31). This (late payment) they are doing since last more then one year. On March 12th, 2010 they send email saying VSG and its entire sister concern companies are acquired by Zolon (Zolon Corporation) and send there HR manager's email addresses for communication with company. In other email they attached memo from zolon company's CEO that describes that they will pay March(1-15) salary on April 10 and March(16-31) on April 26 and so on. They also told that they will pay Feb(whole months) salary when ever they can. I sent many emails for Feb Salary, VSG HR ppl are saying you should ask new management for salary I (VSG HR ppl) am also now employee for Zolon. I talk to Zolon HR ppl and I told if I dont get Feb salary then I will complain DOL and file a case throgh attorney. Zolon HR ppl are saying Zolon' responsibility of paying salary is from March only.In reality VSG should have paid this salary already, we (might) pay but dont know when. You can file case and lets attorney decide. I dont care.

    How should complain about salary to DOL should I complain against Zolon or VSG or both? Now there is no VSG. will I get success? Zolon might slip away by saying I acquired from March.

    It is also possible Zolon and VSG owner might be relatives. and want to make money by not paying Feb salary.

    Please advice.

    check this site out on how to file a report with DOL RIGHTS OF H1B/REPORT ABUSE/REPORT FRAUD - Immigration Wiki (

    hair Bow Wow Shirtless Pictures amp; bow wow shirtless. Bow Wow Shirtless – Up Close
  • Bow Wow Shirtless – Up Close

  • Toxic'
    May 20th, 2005, 11:59 PM
    Well I seem to have run into more confusion...

    I've updated the firmware to 2.0 and I'm not sure if its changed the menu in the D70 or not but I was looking up the "exposure bracketing" that you suggested and on page 88 of the manual it shows (in the top image) the "Menu" opened with the (i believe its the Details tab, it has the small pencil), and then it shows the "12 BKT Set" titled at the top... followed by the Flash & Exposure settings below it... My menu doesn't show any of these... infact alot of my menu looks different than the manual since the update, which if I'm not mistaken was one of the updates within the firmware. Only now I don't know where to find what the manual shows.



    bow wow shirtless. Bow Wow Music
  • Bow Wow Music

  • nkavjs
    09-12 10:20 PM
    same situation...

    sent to USCIS Texas on June 29, received on JUly 2nd at 10:25 AM. no receipts and no checks cashed yet. the USCIS receipting notice Texas said that they have finished receipting July 2 appl. what happened to our appl then?
    pls anyone who filed july 2 at texas and with the same info who got their cks cashed and receipts rec, kindly share here. tnx!

    No news yet.. no checks cashed.. I am still waiting..

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  • genscn
    10-30 09:23 AM
    EAD has nothing to do with finger printing. People are getting EAD cards even before they go to their scheduled finger printing appointments. You will get your card 10-12 days after finger printing notice.

    My wife's finger printing fee was rejected last month, even though we submitted the right fee.
    We still submitted the fee again. In the mean while, we got our finger printing notices.

    Do u know when we would get our EADs ? Is anyone in a similar situation ?



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  • ow wow shirtless.

  • nolud
    02-11 03:33 PM
    I received a letter from uscis/DHS on Jan 28.
    It was in response to my request about my wifes I-485 being in namecheck for a long time.

    The response stated:
    "The review of our records indicate that the investigation into your background has been completed. The processing of your case has been delayed because the requirement review is still in process."

    Does this mean that the namecheck has been completed?
    What is "requirement review"?
    Did anyone else get this type of letter?

    Wifes Case dates:
    PD - Jul 2003
    Interview Date - Jan 4 2006
    Type - Family based ( on marriage )
    Info Pass - Sep 2007
    Last FP - Oct 2007
    LUD - 10/2007 ( probably because of FP )

    Current Status:
    On October 7, 2003, we received this I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS, and mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case. Please follow any instructions on this notice. We will notify you by mail when we make a decision or if we need something from you. If you move while this case is pending, call customer service. We process cases in the order we receive them. You can use our processing dates to estimate when yours will be done. This case is at our NATIONAL BENEFITS CENTER location. Follow the link below to check processing dates. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

    Note: If this is the wrong forum/area, please advise where is this question best suited for...
    Thanks to ALL

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  • prince william shirtless

  • sandy_77
    06-20 11:51 AM
    I would like to appeal to all the people who want to travel outside the country and would need a new visa stamp to come back to US....please...please...please do not take this risk unless it is a family emergency (a life and death situation rather than a brother,sister getting married). Per the new rules all of us have to pass through many checks (such as PIMS, NAME CHECK, SECURITY CLEARANCE, ETC.). Contrary to popular belief PIMS is the simplest of all. You will possibly get a PIMS clearance within a month (usually 5 days). However, if you get stuck because of other checks, only God can help you. People (more than a couple of thousand at any given time during these days) are stuck at the consulates in India for two months or more (these days waiting time exceeds 4 months in normal cases and I am one of them). Some guys have been given visas after 1.5 years. Also, contrary to what most lawyers would have you believe that only those people get stuck who have done something wrong, I can assure you that there are very few cases (possibly less than a 5% of the total) who have been outright rejected even after significant delays for security clearances. These lawyers have just surrendered before the DOS/DHS...possibly avoiding burning bridges with the government rather than protecting human rights and civil liberties. God forbid if you get stuck for reasons other than PIMS, anything you can ever know from consulate/DOS after that is that your case is pending in "additional administrative processing" for security clearance. No more no less and you probably have no right to demand transparency. Not even your local congressman/senator can save you then from the harassment that the DOS thinks you deserve for being a third world citizen.
    Sorry for being so brazen but I am tired of all these travel related questions. Somehow I think some of like to challenge the consulate/DOS OR our luck (like I did...but I didn't even know that there is a best like AAP out there waiting for me...of course ignorance is not an excuse either).


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  • canmt
    11-16 08:21 AM
    Read posts on AC21 for details.

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  • Bow Wow 6pack

  • americandesi
    10-18 05:51 PM
    What’s the logic behind USCIS receiving 500,000 Naturalization Applications in July and August 2007? How do the VISA numbers being current relate to Naturalization?!?!?!?!


    makeup Bow-Wow-shirtless-450a1029081.jpg bow wow shirtless. Wow onstage, Bow
  • Wow onstage, Bow

  • desi chala usa
    06-07 05:57 PM
    The actual category determine at the stage of I-140 as you ask USCIS to consider the case as EB2 or EB3 but to ask the EB2 or EB3 at I-140 stage the job description as well educational requirements should be filled in labor such a way so you can support the EB2/EB3 at I-140 stage.

    Hope this help.

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  • ow wow shirtless. Shirtless Guy Models

  • mayhemt
    06-02 06:42 PM
    Shouldnt the title include petitions filed by one particular law firm:
    'Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy LLP' ??
    (its a little misleading & intimidating to know 'ALL' applications)

    hairstyles Bow Wow Music bow wow shirtless. Bow Wow revealed his crush on
  • Bow Wow revealed his crush on

  • eb3retro
    04-13 10:39 AM

    First let me thank you all for providing and maintaining such a forum where one can get all the answers related with immigration. This is truly amazing.

    I am a july 2007 filer. My priority date in October 2006. My I 140 was approved in January 2007. I was laid off by my original GC sponsoring company in April 2009. Fortunately, I was able to get a new job under same responsibility description, before my last day with the GC sponsoring employer. I had invoked my AC21 on April 10,2009 and had switched job.

    I have a AP, valid through January 2011 and a EAD valid through August 2010.
    Mu H1B and I 94 has been expired alost an year now. I am working and staying in the country with EAD now with an AOS status.

    I need to travel to India to address some urgent family now. Do you think my travel on AP (especially after invoking Ac21) in risky. I will be travelling through JFK. Has anyone travelled through JFK on AP after invoking AC21?

    Any information will be highly appreciated.
    Folowinga are the documents, that I would be carrying:

    a) I 140 approval notice.
    b) I 485 receipt notice.
    c) valid EAD
    d) valid AP
    e) AC21 protability letter from my immegration layer.
    f) I 140 support letter from my new employer.
    g) Offer letter from my new employer.
    h) termination letter from my earlier employer.
    i) Address proof

    Can anyone let me know their expirence if faced similar situation please.

    do not worry..its going to be perfectly alright. i travelled thru jfk using my AP after using ac21 twice. infact i only gave my passport, along with new i94 filled up , with a copy of the AP at the port of entry to the officer. no questions asked. just remain calm and answer any questions asked politely. AP is for this exact purpose which helps you to exit and enter country during this excruciating time of 485 approval waiting. so, you are good to go as long as you have a valid AP, infact I travelled once using AP, when I didnt have a job here. all it matters when you reenter is if you have a valid AP/VISA to enter the country.

    On a different note, please update your profile. people value that a lot here..

    05-28 05:37 PM

    I am on H1B in US. My current H1 is valid till July 6, 2009. Then I have an approved H1 extension valid from July 7, 2009 for the next 3 years to 2012. I also have my I-485 applied and is pending for the priority date to be current. I am planning to go to Canada in the last week of June to complete the Canadian PR Landing formalities. I would be in Canada for about 6 days and plan to use AVR (Automatic Visa Revalidation) while coming back to the US. I have a couple of questions with regards to that:

    1. My current passport is valid till September, 2009. Can that be a problem while coming back to the US using AVR (as passport will be expiring in app. 3 months)? Is there any minimum Passport validity period for US POE to enter US?

    2. When using AVR, is there a new I-94 issued at the POE or the same previous I-94 is handed over as it is?

    3. As I have a pending 485, can the completion of Canadian PR Landing formalities and use of AVR while coming back to US be a problem at the POE or for 485?

    I would highly appreciate the replies.


    Law Loving Alien
    10-25 12:00 PM

    USCIS is suppose to give decision in 15 business after filling I140 in premium processing ( or converting existing I140 application to premium processing).

    I have seen several person mentioning that they not only got their I140 decision but they got their I-485 expedited too after converting I140 to premium processing ? Is this true...... My I140/I485 was filled at NSC in June 2006...and I have not recieved any decision for my I140 yet....Is it worthwhile to convert my I140 to premium processing ... I am sure I will get my I140 decision in 15 business days but will it expediete my I485 case too after position decision of I140.... Please provide your thoughts...

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