Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • hasil
    09-29 01:04 PM
    I don't know how you can generalize like that. Sure that I was also burnt by a Desi company. But that is no excuse to say that All Desi company's are like that. I am sure this topic is very well discussed in some other thread. I am posting this as I am surprised not to see somebody jumping in against such generalizations.

    So make it a promise to yourself that if you ever start a company you will not screw up anybody (desi or otherwise)

    Chill man. I am just sharing my experience and giving practical opinion. If it helps you then thats fine else just ignore and move on. :)

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  • yabadaba
    08-14 03:34 PM

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  • reno_john
    01-19 08:54 PM
    For 140 approval it takes anywhere between 6 to 8 months. Last year, the wait time was less.This is normal and the wait time will keep on increasing. Because last year there was few number of labors approved but as the days pass by that number will keep on increasing. My friend with I140(NSC) applied date of June 2006 was approved last week. My first I140(TSC) applied on Feb 2006 was approved by August 2006 and my second I140(NSC) applied in Sep 2006 is pending till today.

    And if you try to break the queue by premium processing then the chances of getting a dumb RFE( A no sense evidence to the case applied) is 99.99% because they want more time to process the case.

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  • vivache
    11-06 09:52 PM
    Ok .. let me give you the math before getting to the question: )

    Looking at the numbers from USCIS:

    140 k GC numbers every year
    85% available for folks in US, which is 199k
    Out of these 119 k visas available, 40k are Eb3 category ..
    10% for country .. so India's numbers should be 4000 a year

    There are 14000 Eb3 visas before mine
    Out of these 4750 are from India

    So maybe I get the GC in 1 year 2 months?
    Starting from? next Oct 10, meaning GC in Dec 11?

    7170 visa should be given this year with the Apr 01 cut off .. so roughly 7000 Eb3 visas available so in all probability I should get it next year Dec 10?

    What is confusing is this?
    As per the latest visa bulletin .. the Eb3 cut off for all countries is around jun 02
    And there are about 14k eb3 numbers till Jun 02.. so isn't the cut off be something like Dec 03 .. as current date .. since that's what 40k GC numbers add to?
    If 40k GC's available for Eb3 for 2009 ... why is the cut off date Jun 02 .. which accoutns for only 14k GC's?


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  • insight08
    01-15 11:08 AM

    I sent you a pm requesting you to take a look at my situation. Would you be kind enough to give it a glance and let me know your opinion?


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  • ggyro
    07-12 06:13 PM
    Forgive me if this post does not belong here (this is the first time I am posting anything in any forum)

    I have been in US as a student for four years and working as a researcher for little over a year. I learnt of all this 140 - 485 - 765 business only in the last 3 - 4 weeks after my first interaction with a lawyer who is filing for my permanent residency. The recent USICS dates "flip-flop" as many refer to is in fact disappointing. Based on my little understanding of how all this works I came down to the following two thoughts (and I am a bit skeptical of how this forum will react to what I am posting)-
    1. The sudden change of PD to current for many was a too good to be true event - and if it is too good to be true, it probably isn't. USCIS made us aware of that on 2nd July. Of course, people got excited spent a lot of time and effort to collect papers etc and USCIS did do something to upset a lot of people. Having said that, status quo for most is what it was before July 13th. albeit applying for 485 would have allowed getting work permits for dependents, and travel documents etc.
    2. In my humble opinion, asking a law suit or any amount of aggravation expressed towards USCIS is not going to be of much benefit. Instead the solution lies with SKIL BILL. Again, this is just my opinion that channeling energy to move the SKIL BILL forward is really the way to solve the problem. This bill is now in the senate judiciary committe for review and there is a good chance, just like last year, that it will remain there and die unless somebody pushes it forward.


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  • ravi_hyd
    10-26 06:41 PM
    I filed mine on July 27th. Still no EAD for me or my wife. :(
    Where did you sent your application?

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  • aviv
    09-25 11:34 AM
    before the new quota begins..
    Any ideas how many visas are left? I still see a few approvals in ...
    Could we see more approvals coming starting Oct 1 st?
    I am getting desperate. MY PD is Aug 03 EB2 and it is current. Every day is a torture working for my current employer...

    my last resort will be AC-21 Jan 2008

    Mr LouDobbs!!

    What does only 3 days left mean and how does it impact you? Would a new quota kicking mean anything

    EB2/India/PD - July 2003
    I140 approved - Dec 2006 at TSC
    I485 mailed on 29th June to TSC
    RD for 485, 131 and 765 is 8/15
    recd EAD with Country of birth USA!! - 8/23
    FP done on 9/14 - Got LUD after FP
    Recd I 765 on 9/19


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  • sundarpn
    07-17 07:32 PM
    In the same boat...

    if the principal files 485 now and then gets married say 2-3 months later when the dates are NOT current, can a dependent 485 be filed for the spouse so that she can get EAD?

    I was told that even in the case of a dependent 485 filing, the dates have to be current for the application to be accepted :(

    On related lines, if the principal application gets EAD and after 6 months moves to a new job based on EAD, and then he gets married, can he bring his spouse on H4? I think the answer is NO.

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  • justin150377
    07-09 09:05 PM
    Hope "Flower Campaign" will not irritate USCIS and backfire on us, to tough the immigration process.

    It's too late there's a big stick up your ass already how much farther can they really push it in.


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  • mohitb272
    03-19 02:24 PM
    Your signature says I 140 was approved, when was it approved and does that mean the USCIS website never updated the status of your I 140?
    or was it showing I140 approved before and now it's showing pending?

    This is my friend's case not mine. This is mentioned when I first described the case.

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  • redgreen
    07-15 02:03 PM
    i do not know what options he has but 'ras' is not talking about 'stock options' most people are answering about. July 08 options expire on Jul 18, 2008. so people who are talking about and advising him on stock options are simply confusing this guy. this may be stocks of his company as part of a bonus or something like that. or he is just making fun of us by posting such an unrelated thing.


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  • Singer
    10-21 11:06 PM
    I am a vocalist based in the US for the last 13 years. I have performed around the world at World music festivals, television shows, radios, various clubs, private events, for stars like P... S.... and D.... B.... and for organizations such as UN, UNESCO, UNDP, NDI, Schomburg Center, etc.I have always been legal and on several P1/O1 artist visas), I have applied on December 2006 for a EB1-EA green card

    On June 10th 2007 I have received a RFE from the Nebraska Service Center, and I had to submit additional stuff proving I am really a singer with an international carreer. (I won an award by the way)before August 15th 2007. On August 3rd 2007 I went myself to the FedEx office and sent a priority 8.0lbs package to the Nebraska Service Center. It was delivered on August 6th signed by Mr. Brad B... at the Nebraska Center.

    When I called they said my case was pending, same thing on the USCIS website where I create a portfolio. It is until April 2009 that thanks to congressional and senatorial help that we found out that my I-140 and I-485 had been denied, closed archived since end of August 2007! They said that my response to the RFE was received by them in October!

    We argued that I never received the denial notice, neither my attorney received. My congressional liaison faxed them the ax receipt, then the congressional liaison there said: "O my God!" We were hoping that at this stage they would simply reopen the case and look at my 8 pounder RFE response! Nebraska Service Center decided that i will have to file an appeal.

    In April 2008 I filled and appeal with Administrative Appeals Office in DC in 2008 (more money into thei pockets) to demonstrate that both my I-140 and I-485 were denied in error, (they had lost my application) the case was returned to Nebraska for them to reconsider.

    The AAO decision granted me all that was in their power to give.

    1. The appeal was rejected because it was untimely filed -- By statute (law) they cannot consider an untimely appeal regardless of circumstances however.

    2. They state that if "an utimely appeal meets the requirements of a motion to reopen or a motion to reconsider, the appeal "MUST" be treated as a motion and a decision "MUST" be made on the merits of the case. -- This is exactly what I asked for.

    3. They state that a motion to reconsider must establish that the decision was incorrect based on the evidence of record at the time of the initial decision. Again this is exactly what I claimed.

    4. They catagoricaly state in paragraph 2 on page 3 -- Here, the untimely appeal "MEETS" the requirements of a motion to reopen and reconsider. They also positively state that you "SUCCESSFULLY" argue that the October 10, 2007 decision was "FLAWED" and they point to 2 specific reasons -- that yur attorney of record was not properly notified and that your response to the RFE was not considered.

    5. In paragraph 5 on page 3 they conclude that the October 10, 2007 decision was "CLEARLY IN ERROR" and that the decision "DID NOT COMPLY WITH THE REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS".

    6. Finally, in the last pragraph on page 3 and the 1st paragraph of page 4 they state "therefore, the director "MUST" consider the untimely appeal as a motion to reopen and reconsider and render a "NEW" decision acccordingly"

    7. They also state that the "NEW" decision "MUST" thoroughly address all of the evidence submitted in your response to the RFE.

    So the AAO�s office sent back my file to the Nebraska Service Center.
    Then the I-140 was reopened and I finally approved May 20th 2009. At that time the rest should be like �a letter in the mail�. That is when I demanded that my I-485 be reopened as well.
    They responded to my congressional liaison telling him that they will reopen the I-485 and tat the green cards were being prepared and would be sent to us in less then 60 days. Stating: This has been going on for too long�

    That is when the �saga� took another turn. On August 14th 09 I received another RFE on the I-485! I was told by one lawyer that it was not so bad (they just needed to update my records since 2006 is the date of my first GC filling), But this RFE did not make sense because once the I-140 is approved they should not ask me to supply any documents work related. They wanted me to prove that I will continue to work in my field, what I have been doing for the last 2 years since they have denied my case and what will be my upcoming work offers.

    Remember that in May 2009 they have said that the green cards would be sent�
    We responded again with a 5 pounder file! We mailed it September 1rst 2009. I provided them with the same documents I sent in the 8 pounder they have lost in 2006, plus everything I have done since. Including all the performances with P. S., D. B. and letters from future contractors such as The United Nations, Schomburg, my booking agents letters, etc...)

    October 19th 2009 we received an email from USCIS saying that a decision has been taken and that my husband�s I-485 has been denied!
    Another ridiculous thing.
    1-I am the petitioner, not my husband.
    2-They should adjudicate my case first, not my husband�s!
    3-my case is still pending no decision made on it�

    At this time, we are awaiting the full denial explanation letter, to see what is the reason for their decision. Hoping that they just made another mistake for example dissociated my husband I-485 from mine the petitioner.

    I am currently (Thank God) on an 01-visa valid until 2011, my husband has a -O3-visa

    Because of this terrible saga, we have endured a tremendous stress, and anxiety. We have lost a lot of money. Between the lawyers fees, the various application fees plus the appeal we have spent more than $20,000. I have decided not to file another appeal because this is more money into their pockets. I am ready to sue the USICS with a writ of mandamus and more if they do not fix the multiple mistakes they have made.

    Please somebody in this forum answers me. What should I do? Please help!

    Thank you.


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  • nonimmi
    06-11 12:17 PM

    Can you please stop each such individual starting a new thread and misguide members. We have serious things to do and this guys are making it too annoying. I believe allowing all such people to start a new new thread is not a good idea.



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  • pappu
    12-05 12:22 PM
    If anyone stuck in greencards namechecks wants to contact ACLU about it to include GC namecheck issue in it, they can do so.

    Here are the contact details:
    President of the ACLU
    Their general feedback form
    You can search for your local ACLU contact:

    ACLU Immigrants rights project E-mail -

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  • itstimenow
    08-07 11:06 PM
    If all the documents are submitted - court related -- in that case are we good to go?


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  • kirupa
    11-11 01:18 AM
    Yep - there 2 more hours from this post to be counted :P

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  • boldm28
    05-19 11:35 AM
    According to murthy, several of these cases were tied to companies that are under fraud investigations

    MurthyDotCom : Newark Airport - Analysis & Potential Options for H1Bs Entering U.S. (

    this company is def not under fraud investigations .. this company has operations in asiapac/ europe/Canada .. and is among the top level companies like info and hcl ..

    believe me those ICE officers would grind u down in a minute .. put yourself in the victims shoes .. and i am sure they(CBP) said ok you dont want to sign this document .. lets take you guys to the holding cell and u can wait for your turn ( whenever that comes) in front of the judge .. that can take 90 days .. nobody wants to go that route

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  • smuggymba
    10-05 10:50 AM
    It would be interesting to know the "process" used to legalize the illegals. If getting a GC when you're illegal is easy, I'd tear my H1 and stand in the USCIS illegal line.

    09-17 04:27 PM
    Plase make those Calls...

    Is'nt the voting on the bill scheduled today? :confused:

    10-15 10:32 PM
    this is where i got most of them. and some other random sites but this has the best. they are just brushes. and you paint with them. there arent really any tutorials on making grunge at all. i found one once, but thats it. and it sucked i think. just play around, its fairly simple. this is like the 5th one ever made.

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