Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • gsc999
    09-05 07:07 PM
    I will be there. Do you know why they made all cases current in june if they have that much of a backlog. Amr Diab is some good music right there. Did you go to Sharm

    That was supposedly a procedural issue between Dept. of State (DOS) and USCIS. The way the DOS releases visa numbers and procedure USCIS follows to utilize them. Read this blog by one of the IV core members for more details:

    I stayed in Al Asarma Ramadan City for work. Went to Iskenderiya not Sharm.

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  • ivar
    06-18 10:41 PM
    I received the very heartbreaking news that my EB3 PERM application filed OCT 2007 (with audit) was denied. Audit was requesting a copy of the Newspaper AD which the lawyer sent last NOV 2007. Reson for denial was because the copy that the DOL recieved was not clear and some words as part of the Newspaper name was missing.... An appeal will be filed soon.

    Any suggestions from the gurus?

    I have bachelors with more than 5 years of experience, is it adviseable to file new PERM under EB2 category?

    For people who filed motion or an appeal, could you please post your feedbacks/experiences?

    also, im on my 7th yr extension and it will expire on FEB2010... will I have problems with my extension?

    I had simillar situation as yours. My PERM was audited and than denied. I had appealed my case and after about 10 months of wait i ran out of patience and decided to withdrawn my appeal and file a new PERM. Please decide for yourself the best option. I think in your case appeal would be a better option because i assume you are extending your H1b based on your current PERM application. You can keep extending your H1b till your appeal is pending with a hope that it will be approved. Remember one thing you cannot file a new PERM with the same company for the same position. You can try to file a new perm for a different position through the same company as a backup, if your company is ready to support you.

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  • imm_check
    11-01 04:27 PM
    Hi All,

    I have a scenario like this...

    My wife and I got the receipt date for I-485 while my daughter did not...even though all of us filed on the same day through same mail package. It is puzzling how one would miss one application and process the others. Please let me know if anyone faced a similar situation.

    The scene has changed a little bit with both of us receiving a FP mail notice recently. I wanted to know what would happen if both of us go ahead with the biometrics while not knowing the status of my daughters application.


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  • Maverick_2008
    03-17 03:22 PM
    If the doctor's office can give you claim codes, fine. Otherwise, you gotta do it yourself. Just submit the invoice copies with a good cover letter (explaining what it is). I did it with my insurance company and it went through smoothly. They treated our immigration medical exams as usual annual physical exams which are fully covered. Immunizations (i.e., vaccinations) are fully covered as well.


    did anyone get reimbursed for the medical exams - physicals and vaccinations?
    i am having a hard time getting my provider submit the claims to the insurance company.


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  • Sunx_2004
    07-06 10:58 AM
    Can someone please provide the format of the affidavit.

    Other than the copy of your marriage certificate, pictures, children's birth certificate, etc., you can send an affidavit signed by a notary public, perhaps someone who works at the local municipality/city hall, etc. In addition, you should submit proof of joint financial holdings such as copy of this year's 1040 and state tax forms filled as "married filing jointly" (if you did so), a joint bank account, joint property ownership such as house and car, joint car insurance, home insurance, other bills (to show both of you are living at the same address), etc.

    However, I would recommend using a lawyer (if not your lawyer whom you seem not to like) for preparing the RFE; I guess you do not want to suffer setbacks in your GC processing merely for saving $400!

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  • vivache
    10-04 03:21 PM
    When I check the website I see this Step 4:
    Does this mean that I first need to pass the documents to the application centre and only then after 3 days can I go to the embassy?
    Can't I just get the date and go to the embassy direct?


    Step 4: You are then required to submit your forms with one recent photograph and documents as per the checklist to any of the application centres in Mumbai, Pune or Ahmedabad.
    Please note: If you are submitting your forms to our application centre in Mumbai you must submit at least 3 working days in advance. E.g.: If your interview is scheduled for a Friday, you must submit your documents latest by the preceding Tuesday, provided all days in between are working days. If you are submitting your forms to our application centres in Ahmedabad or Pune, you must do so at least 4 working days in advance. E.g.: If your interview is scheduled for Friday, you must submit your documents latest by the preceding Monday provided all days in between are working days. It is recommended that you forward your documents to us immediately after scheduling an interview.


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  • bitzbytz
    07-13 02:24 PM
    i backup threads for illegal issues. May be we can use private messages.

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  • slowwin
    04-16 09:30 AM
    For whatever reason, your record is tainted. This will also comeback to bite you later (AOS ). my suggestion is to get a legal opinion from a lawyer who practices both criminal and immigration law.

    I entered US in 2001 on H1B and have not left the country since then. Unfortunately within few months of coming to US, I had a fight with my wife and was charged of domestic violence. This charge was later reduced and I was convicted of a simple battery.
    Now if I travel overseas and come back on AP (I intend to use my approved AP instead of going for H1B stamping), can I be denied entry to US at port of entry because of my criminal charge?
    Anyone in the same situation or know someone in this situation? Was there any issue in there re entry into US?
    Thanks a lot in advance.


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  • logiclife
    08-20 04:33 PM
    Some member has lost the opportunity to file 485 before Aug 17th coz the employer and the lawyer didnt respond and responded after Aug 17th. (How convenient. A lot of employers suddenly found vacation time to take between July 17 and August 17th. Suddenly, between July 17 and Aug 17, the voicemails stopped working and the calls never got returned. Nice. )

    The whole thing is here :

    This is something for everyone to watch and learn:

    I tried to contact the attorney so badly until Aug 16th, but he never responded. I was able to get hold of him only on Aug 17th. I guess he was directed by my employer so.

    The cardinal rule of working with untrustworthy employers is that you need to use ONLY YOUR OWN LAWYER.
    The lawyer must be having you as client and also must not have your employer as his client for other cases matters. ONLY then, the lawyer will be working in YOUR interest and not in your employer's interest.

    I think people browsing this site by this time, must have learned one thing and I sure have said that a million times.


    At the end of the day, between your first day in United States and the day you get your GC, it will cost you nearly 10,000 to have your own lawyer and never use the company-provided free lawyer.

    Having your own lawyer means:

    1. You pay him, you employ him, he is accountable to you, not your employer.

    2. He/she works in your interest, not the employer's interest.

    3. If your employer is not co-operating, you will know right away.

    4. Your employer would have to come clean and truthful about his intentions of not filing 485. When you have company's lawyer, then the company's lawyer is not going to listen to you. WHY? Because you are not the one paying him. Your employer is.

    5. Full transparency and visibility, whenever anything is filed, receipt is issued, RFE comes, reply to RFE goes, etc. With employer's lawyer, you have 0 visibility and you will land in situations mentioned above.

    The money you think you are saving with getting a "Free" lawyer is going to cost you much more. The employers are not stupid to provide you free lawyers. The reason they tend to have free lawyers for you is so that they can have total control over your immigration case. Its "Free" for you, but not really. Coz at the end of the day, it costs 10 times more in terms of lost opportunities and delayed immigration. The employers are in the business of doing business and for them, providing you a free lawyer is COST OF DOING BUSINESS because by incurring that cost, they maximize THEIR OWN OPPORTUNITIES to retain you on their payroll for the longest possible time. You may think you are saving money, but this isnt about money.

    Its about opportunities and the battle for most opportunities for oneself and the least opportunities for the other guy.

    So when you end up spending 10,000 out of pocket on lawyer's fees for H1 renewals, labor, 140, 485 etc, consider that as an opportunity cost.. Just like you need to spend $500 per month on gas and car to be able to get to work, you need to spend a few thousand in order to be able to get opportunities you really want in this country.

    One more thing before you go out and hire your own lawyer:

    After reading this, if ever you are in search of hiring your own lawyer for immigration needs, make sure that the lawyer has never done any business with your employer. Otherwise it defeats the purpose. You need to ask your new attorney, if he has done or planning to do business with your employer. If he has, or plans to, then dont hire him. Why? Because its obviously conflict of interest. You are asking your lawyer to work in your interest (faster and mistake-free GC filing) and your employer wants to opposite. Its is unethical for lawyers to work for 2 clients with conflicting interests. Also, ask your lawyer before hiring that YOU NEED HIS FULL DISCLOSURE if he plans to do business with your employer. That way, you know that your lawyer is acting in your interest without any possible conflicts. The problem with getting your employer's recommended lawyer is that your employer pays him nearly 50-60 thousand dollars a year in fees, you are a $1000 a year client. Obviously, at the nudging of your employer, suddenly your 485 might get screwed up by your lawyer.

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  • arnet
    09-14 02:20 PM
    the new congress will meet in Jan 2007 session and will decide what bills they will consider during that session and will come up with a timetable to discuss those bills. especially after new members are elected, i dont think they can discuss uncompleted bills from previous session (correct me if i'm wrong). all they can do is to come up with new version of bill if they want to pass.

    so the option before congress is either a new CIR bill (or) SKIL bill if nt discussed earlier (or) any bill like border security which includes EB provisions.

    I think the new CIR bill will take time because of its complications. so I prefer SKIL bill or EB provisions in any bill. let us see.....:)


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  • jthomas
    10-04 05:13 PM
    I got my visa stamping from mumbai conuslate. Its pretty easy. Take an appointment through VFS by getting a HDFC bank receipt after paying the fee. Check on the VFS site when is the available date. and then follow the link and book the appointment. You will get forms which are populated. If you have any mistakes in the form i think you can correct it at the mumbai consulate too. When you enter the consulate they will hand you the original form which you filled and then ask you to fill whatever you had missed out using your pen. you have to wait till your number calls out and then you get visa stamped and passport posted.

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  • gk_2000
    01-04 11:36 PM
    Well you do have to give them some credit for restoring the balance with UK... Maybe this will be good time to bring up social security savings

    On another matter -- birthright citizenship.. there could be a window of opportunity to include provision against country limits, as both use country of birth as the criteria.


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  • rahul2699
    05-19 11:13 AM
    My H1B expired, and they are now just working on the labor certification process, so I have left the country and working outside the US. Someone did tell me that after I have been out for a 12 month period they may get me back under a new H1B. Is this correct? Reason I ask is that I have been out of the US for 4 months, and they seem to be working very slow on my Labor Cert, and I know once the this is submitted I have to wait a further 12 months, so wanted to see if it is viable to get a new H1B. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Yes if you live out of US for at least a year after the full H-1B term, you can apply for a new H-1B. If i were you, i'll keep the labor process going while applying for a new H-1 because GC is for future employment and if anything you can retain the priority date...

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  • dilipb
    02-08 05:00 PM
    The day I applied that day the PD was current.
    Are you joking that I will get my GC soon.
    All the last so many months, people have been talking that its going to take about 5-6 years still to get a GC, because there are not much GC VISA numbers available.
    Also that date is showing as 19 july 2007. does it mean that they have just picked up my application and started processing and will take few months to process since they have to go thru FBI check etc and all other weird processes?
    Does anyone have any hard data that there are any chances soon for getting GC in hand?


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  • pappu
    02-04 10:22 PM
    Which messenger and can you point the url?

    On the top navigation of this website, please click on the 'Messenger' link to enter the chat

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  • tikka
    05-25 12:55 PM
    any one???

    New york is same day. Not sure about chicago.

    Could you please send a web fax it will take less than a minute.

    Thank you


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  • chanduv23
    09-30 04:33 PM
    I cracked up reading the post. I never really understood why they call us losers and locusts.

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  • michael_trs
    11-18 11:37 PM

    I saw that priority date for EB2 (all other countries) now is current, while for EB3 is May 2005.....

    Does it mean that when my LC is ready I will have to wait my priority date for approximately 3 years?

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  • meridiani.planum
    11-19 02:21 AM
    I have H1 visa and my company started processing my GG. They published some ads, and in August applied for the LC. It turned out that they used EB3. They said that LC would be ready by February next year. Then it will take 4 years minimum for other steps. I was very surprised that I was EB3 but not EB2.

    I have couple of questions:

    1. How long does it take if to process it using EB3... 4 years, 5 years?
    --its going to take 2-3 years before you can file,then another couple of years perhaps. So yea 4-5 years

    2. How long does it take if to process it using EB2? I am from Russia.
    --if EB2 remains current (it has inthe past, andwill likely remain current in the future also) say an year or 18 months. Thats been the typical time, and also processing dates cameout today and NSC is for instance claiming they are now doing July 2007 cases

    3. Is it possible to switch to EB2 somehow?
    --u will need to redo the LC stage.

    4. If I apply one more time now using Eb2, would it be faster? I will lose time for LC processing.

    --see below

    5. At what step of GC processing can I change a compamy that I work for?
    --6 months after filing the I-485. safer to wait for teh I140 to also be approved by that point. (the law says your I-140 must be 'approvable'. I-140s are taking 12-18 months

    If I were in your place, I would drop this LC and file the one in EB2 asap.

    10-25 12:22 PM
    am waitin since May thrid week. :(
    am not gonna give them a single penny
    its almost five and half months
    lemme see how long they will take to take a decision on ma case.:confused:
    not worth spendin ma hard earned money when my PD isn't current.:rolleyes:

    10-20 10:34 AM
    Thanks for posting this. My I-140 was applied in May 2007 and I have not heard anything. USCIS says it has processed until July 24, 2007. What a bunch of lies.

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