Saturday, June 25, 2011

brad pitt body 2011

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  • gckalafda
    03-20 11:46 AM
    RoseBall,, here is my query..Please answer

    I got RFE on 140 asking

    all my expereince letter proir to 2002 ( I came US in 1999) and By the time I worked with two companys.

    Now I got one company exp letter and other one closed and I couldn't able to get the letter. as per sources and attorney advice I am submitting coleague affidavit.

    and also they asked me all w2's where I worked only few months in 2004 and w2 amount is not that great.

    I am still fearing how do USCIS take in to consideration when they finalise the case.

    Do you think all these are substantiate my case , or they may come with another RFE or denial..

    Please advise me what I want to do, I haven't submitt my case yet.


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  • eb3_nepa
    03-07 02:18 PM

    A while ago on one of the conference calls, if i remember correctly, it was mentioned that there wud be a team of ppl who would be aggressively calling up people and ask them to join.

    First off am i correct? If i am correct, I was wondering if the same team could look at the contributions from the various members and call the "dormant" members up and ask them why they are apprehensive to contribute.

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  • harivenkat
    05-06 08:54 PM
    Tech firms play quiet role in immigration-overhaul push - Politics AP - (

    WASHINGTON � The technology sector, a little-publicized but key player in the coalition that's pushing for an overhaul of immigration laws, has given mixed reviews to the proposal that Senate Democrats unveiled last week.

    Public dialogue on immigration has focused largely on a path to legalization for the estimated 11 million to 12 million illegal immigrants living in the United States, but technology companies have lobbied for years to streamline and ease the process of hiring skilled legal immigrant workers. They hope to capitalize on the momentum that surrounds immigration.

    Peter Muller is the director of government relations for Intel, one of the largest sponsors of H-1B temporary visas for skilled workers. The company was approved for 723 new H-1B visas in 2009. Muller said Intel had been hindered in hiring and keeping the most qualified people by the annual caps on H-1B visas and the sometimes decade-long delay in processing green card applications.

    "To not be able to hire the people who really drive innovation in our company is a frustration," he said.

    The number of H-1B visas issued each year is capped at 65,000, with another 20,000 reserved for foreign-born students who graduate from U.S. schools with advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering and math, programs from which companies such as Intel recruit many of their workers. In past years, the allotment often was gone within days after the application period opened in April. Last year, it took until December to hit the cap.

    Even with a slower economy reducing demand for workers, however, tech companies say they want the system overhauled.

    "Companies are still hiring, so fixing the problems and fixing the system is important," said Jessica Herrera-Flanigan, the co-executive director of Compete America, a coalition of companies that are lobbying for more high-skilled immigration. "It's an issue today for some companies, and it's going to continue to be an issue that needs to be addressed."

    For H-1B workers who want to stay in the country permanently, the wait for a green card can take years. Ashish Sharma, an Indian citizen who's working for a technology company in California, has waited for a green card for seven years. At one point, Sharma said, he considered leaving the United States because of the uncertainty of his status.

    "The long wait does bother people," he said. "I did look at what Canada was offering, where they give you a green card within three months."

    Sharma ultimately decided to stay for the sake of his two children, who were raised in the U.S., but some employers as well as workers have chosen to go abroad. Microsoft, a top sponsor of H-1B visas with 1,318 petitions approved in 2009, opened a development center in Vancouver, British Columbia, in 2007, in part to take advantage of Canada's more lenient immigration laws.

    Compete America praised some aspects of the Democratic immigration framework that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and Sens. Charles Schumer of New York and Robert Menendez of New Jersey put forward last week.

    The coalition favors a provision that would offer green cards to foreign students who graduate from U.S. universities with advanced degrees in specialized fields, but it's pushing back against provisions that would limit the hiring of H-1B workers and increase government scrutiny of companies that sponsor the temporary visas.

    The language in the Democrats' framework that deals with temporary visas came largely from a bill intended to curb abuses in the H-1B system that Sens. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., and Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, introduced last year.

    Durbin said in an e-mailed statement that the H-1B program was too easily abused by employers who used it to, in effect, outsource jobs that American workers could fill.

    "Congress created the H-1B visa program so an employer could hire a foreign guest worker when a qualified American worker could not be found," he said. "However, the H-1B visa program is plagued with fraud and abuse and is now a vehicle for outsourcing that deprives qualified American workers of their jobs."

    Tech industry representatives disagreed.

    "We are all for strong enforcement," Herrera-Flanigan said. "But the way the provisions are written, it's much more far-reaching than that, and it could have an adverse effect on companies that are not bad actors."

    The H-1B provisions came in for criticism from people who represent immigrant workers as well as from employers. Aman Kapoor, the president of Immigration Voice, a network of skilled immigrant workers, called the proposal draconian and said the restrictions could render the H-1B process essentially useless.

    Schumer's office didn't respond to requests for comment.

    Advocates in the broader immigration-overhaul coalition said support from the technology industry would be key to winning the wide political backing that was necessary to give a comprehensive bill a shot at passing.

    "I think it is important, and in part that is because tech is one of the key business sectors that will be necessary to bring the Republican votes we will need, in the Senate, especially," said Jeanne Butterfield, a senior adviser for the National Immigration Forum, a group that advocates policies that are more welcoming toward immigrants.

    Technology companies make up a substantial portion of the voices that are lobbying for federal immigration revisions. Of the 288 federal lobbyist filings that had reported lobbying on immigration issues in the first quarter of the year as of Monday, an analysis shows that about 17 percent came from companies and organizations that represent the technology and engineering sectors. Others represented fields such as medicine and education, which also are interested in skilled immigrants.

    The people who are lobbying on behalf of the tech sector said that although their issues with the immigration system were specific, they had no plans to peel off from the broader overhaul coalition to pursue a more tailored bill.

    Muller said the word from Capitol Hill had been that immigration was too contentious an issue to tackle piecemeal.


    Green cards (legal permanent resident visas):

    * Foreign students who graduate from U.S. schools with advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering or mathematics automatically would be eligible for green cards if U.S. employers offer them jobs.

    * The caps that limit the numbers of immigrants who can come from specific countries would be eliminated.

    H-1B visas (temporary work visas for foreign workers in specialized jobs):

    * Would forbid employers from giving priority to H-1B applicants and would limit the number of H-1B employees that large employers may hire.

    * Would authorize the Department of Labor to investigate applications for possible fraud and would require the department to audit companies that have large numbers of H-1B employees.

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    08-06 09:40 AM
    Thanks for your response.
    God bless U all.


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  • gee_see
    04-15 10:25 AM
    Which country did you charge your GC to?
    Enjoy the freedom...:)

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  • sac-r-ten
    02-03 05:09 PM
    Moderators/Admins, is there a way to block the IP of this anonymous person.


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  • ImmiRam
    09-13 02:39 PM
    You can always long u have cash to burn.

    I am talking about Class Action Lawsuites (not sure if it applies to Fefderal agencies).

    btw, I dont get why I am already 'infamous' :)

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  • Dhundhun
    07-09 10:36 PM
    Can the docs be sent thru Fedex??

    I am not sure of USCIS P.O. Box address, but in general Fedex can't be sent to USPS P.O. Box.

    Very rarely USCIS gives street address for sending application.


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  • up_guy
    09-01 08:53 PM
    Please reply someone..
    take care

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  • pappu
    12-18 09:55 AM

    My wife need to travel to india urgently. Our visa/I94 expired in Oct. We already applied 485 and is pending.

    1) Will there be any issue at airpot as I94 is expired.A xerox copy of 485 receipt is sufficient.
    2) Does she need to travel any path in this case( I heard thru London is issue if visa is expired.France/Amsterdam Etcc..)

    Thanks in advance.

    Do you have EAD and AP?


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  • Gravitation
    06-15 12:05 PM
    How 'bout: Not filing because LCA is rotting in the basement of a BEC?

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  • painful_GC
    03-10 07:59 PM
    Hi many thanks long does it take in total for COS from H1B to L1B ?? and then to get an EAD ??


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  • Kitiara
    10-24 04:56 AM
    Of course I did - Disk 2 once you've got the submarine from Junon. The waterfalls near Nibelheim, park on the beach to the left, and walk under the waterfall. Hoo boy.

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  • viswanadh73
    01-04 01:19 PM


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  • gc_relief
    04-27 03:09 PM
    Guys..I'm sorry ..I'm mixing up things,,Here are the accurate details..

    Labour Priority date is Nov'20 2007
    My I-140 receipt date is Feb'20 2008..
    My I-140 Approve date is Sep'24 2008

    My 6 years H-1 will be completed by Jan'2010..but still my H-1 was denied..

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  • cox
    October 25th, 2005, 11:51 PM
    I think the timing is a matter more of when those of you who have to travel can make it here. For the locals, I think we're a lot more flexible. I would suggest a pre-xmas timing (mid to late dec). Right now, the fog on the bay is pretty bad, but toward xmas it usually lightens up. The weather will be chilly (esp. Marin & the seashore), but it never really gets cold here like those of you who have midwest or northeast winters. ;) Hotel rates should also be good. I'm looking forward to meeting any of you who can make it out here!

    I've been trying to get the perfect bridge picture for a while, and we can continue that in Marin, and breakfast in Sausalito. We could hit the 'tourist' spots - Coit tower, Market street, pier 39, & the Presidio. If we want to go further afield, there are a host of parks and beaches immediately available. Point Reyes National Seashore is a two & a half hour drive north from SF. Tule Elk, shorebirds and sea lions. Point Ano Nuevo is an hour and a half south. Elephant Seals, birds and deer. I'm game for anything. I'm sure QJ will come up with an even better list and then we can discuss.


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  • MetteBB
    05-11 03:46 PM
    Here's an orange

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  • gogal
    11-03 03:49 PM
    Does anyone know the benefit to go for PIO or OCI... in relation to the Indian Baby born in US..


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  • chee
    11-01 11:13 AM
    There was a change in the LUD for my AP...Stus say its been mailed out for me and my spouse

    10-13 01:47 AM
    Myself and my wife were discussing on this and there are also some contradicting results from the vaccine.So a vaccine no long enough in the market , whose resukts not yet agreed completely by all the doctors shud not be mandated for anyone ,not just immigrants.

    lets start a signature camapign to oppose this. even though it affects only some people (does not effect me, for example), we need to register protest to send an answer to uscis that they cannot do whatever they like.

    02-05 12:41 PM
    You need to check with your HR and Attorney for the legal requirements. Make sure you are not breaking any law.


    I checked with my attorney and according to him, I have to go with MS+4. A friend of mine got the labor approved with MS+0 and he was MS+5 already. Hence I thought someone here might know better.


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