Saturday, March 29, 2008

Designers For You, Dahlings...


Whilst in hiding until my hair grows out, I have hardly been idle. In these entries I often mention Fashion In The True Sense, and today it is time to show a few of the designer items I have in stock! Many vintage designers are unknown to the great unwashed, such as Paul Parnes, Helen Whiting, Leslie Pomer and others. But then there are the Big Names. Most of them I keep for myself, but I don’t mind sharing these three.

On Ebay currently I have listed this beautiful


On Specialist Auctions I have listed this marvelous, color-saturated


So vibrant! So Sienna Miller!


Entirely handmade, and 100% silk.

And soon, dahlings, I will listing some stunning Oscar de la Renta and Christian Dior!

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Disaster and Despair...


I awoke so unhappy this morning, so desolate, I knew that it was my duty to share it with you, my faithful readers.

Your faithful correspondent has survived divorce, death, and severely horrendous fashion.

However, now I cannot show my face in public for the foreseeable future. The unthinkable has happened.

I have a bad haircut.

A short history: my hair stylist, the ONLY man who could make my abundant locks look their best, disappeared! For years he had been my hair stylist on good hair days and bad. No challenge was too much for him, even when I foolishly tried to dye my hair brunette by myself. (I confess, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but there were far too many Cosmopolitans involved.)

Then, he left the salon he co-founded and took a chair at another salon. Of course I followed, but then, a few short weeks later, he was gone. Wiped from the face of the earth! No response to phone calls, emails, text messages…what WAS I to do? Turbans and scarves could only cover the unruliness on my head for so long.

My first mistake: I took the recommendation of a friend who has entirely different hair than mine. Hers is thin, fine, straight as opposed to my thick, abundant waves of liquid gold.

My second mistake: at the risk of being politically incorrect, I advise you to find a hair stylist whose English is impeccable. I tried to make my wishes known, but it was impossible.

My third mistake: I stayed in the chair. And watched in horror as she hacked away at my crowning glory in large chunks. Then she blow-dryed it so that it bore an unnerving resemblance to my mother’s hair circa 1969.

Words cannot attempt to describe the result. Suffice to say that a friend tactfully commented how brave I was to have a haircut that was so “anti-fashion.” As soon as I arrived home, I rushed past my horrified staff and plunged my head under the shower.

It did not improve the results. Even Bucky, my darling miniature pinscher, barked at me!

I am in despair, dahlings! When one is known for one’s impeccable grooming, a bad haircut is the equivalent of leaving the house not having showered for a week and wearing a Forever 21 dress.

Learn from my mistakes, mon cher amis. If nothing else, I can pass along this devastating experience in the name of knowledge.

In the meantime, I doubt I shall be leaving the apartment, unless I am wearing a hat and dark glasses.

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

Monday, March 24, 2008

New Lovelies At The Mad Fashionista's!


After all of my previous Deep Thoughts, I need to be shallow, so today I am showcasing some newly listed items at The Mad Fashionista's Vintage & Modern.

Vintage Blue Watercolor Floral 50's Dress with Crossover Bust Detail, XXL:

Vintage Authentic Silk-Lined Japanese Raincoat, M:

New Old Stock Faux Silk White Evening Suit With Rhinestones, size 12:

Aaaah, that's better! Now for a relaxing mojito and Bucky in my lap.

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

Thursday, March 20, 2008

If Only Politician's Wives Would Go Wild...


This past week has been so tiresome. Particularly if you are a political wife/ex-wife. First Silda Spitzer, then Dina Matos McGreevy, finally Michelle Paterson, the wife of our new governor. Don't these women ever grow tired of standing next to men they probably despise, in the glare of the spotlight, eyes downcast? They should take a page from Hillary Clinton's book, ignore the man and have an independent life of their own. (I wouldn't mind entertaining Bill Clinton while his wife is on the campaign trail. Not at all. Yum.)

Your faithful correspondent, who has been watching far too much reality television lately, wondered if Silda Spitzer would whip around and start screaming at Elliot: "I shoulda kicked your ass to the curb! You're nothing but a dog, yo!" That would be followed by mud-wrestling Ashley Alexander Dupre ala "Girls Gone Wild."

At least Michelle Paterson admitted to having her own affairs. That shows healthy self-respect, in my opinion.

But why do Americans get so overwrought about infidelity? In other countries, politicians have mistresses and nobody thinks anything of it. They don't have to give up their careers, the paparazzi don't follow them about, no fuss, no muss. As I have written before, I am a woman of broad mind and loose morals. Yours truly has participated in quite a number of, er, interesting activities that I will not detail here, but I do not feel it is my place to judge. Most of the time, anyway.

I do not believe that husbands and wives should lie to each other, but if you are intend to have more than one sexual partner in your life at the same time, at least have the courtesy to be open about it to your spouse. I was faithful to all three of my husbands...not that it was difficult, I was not married for very long.

Think about all of the trouble you're saving yourself and him/her: lying, and guilt, and the fear of scandal. And nobody standing in the spotlight, pretending to be supportive. That, to me, would be the best part of all.

Another thing I would like to point out is the duality between the extreme sexuality of our society hand in hand with the severe repression and false moralizing. How can anyone pretend to be shocked any more after watching an episode of, say, "Flavor of Love"? Or 90% of commercials for anything? Or walking by a magazine stand? I mean, really. Do grow up, mon chers.

To put it metaphorically, American culture crams sex down our collective throats, whether we want it or not. Oh, dear, now I've started thinking Deep Thoughts, and that always gives me a terrible headache.

Off to watch more reality television! I do hope "Clean House" is on.

Elisa & Bucky The Wonderdog

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What's The Special of The Day? Why, Moi, Of Course!


In the hectic days since my show closed, I have barely had time to breathe, let alone dictate to this blog to the lumpen fool I have sitting at the computer.

However, this morning I was awakened at the UNGODLY hour of eight a.m. to do a telephone interview for an Internet television program called "The Daily Special," hosted by Kimberly Rae Miller. (Morning people--I shall never understand them.)

It is part of an interesting plus-size oriented website, I will venture a guess that Conde Nast is testing the waters with this format, since they cannot be bothered with publishing any plus-size glossy magazines. (How I miss the late, lamented Mode!)

It was an interview about my (ugh) Ebay guide to buying plus size vintage clothing and what to look for, illustrated with pictures to make up for my absence in their Gowanus studio. Armed with several strong lattes, I gargled out my responses as best I could.

Actually, I think it came out quite nicely, don't you? A man with a very sexy voice named Sebastian is apparently an integral part of it as well, although you won't hear him in the video. I merely heard him in my shell-pink ear as I lay in bed, waiting for him to give me the signal. With a voice like that, he could have signalled me to do any number of things.

Enjoy, and learn! And then shop, shop, shop!

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog (who you can barely make out in the lower right of the first photograph, the little dear)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Back To The Vintage Business - With A New Name!


Yes, I have washed off the last of the greasepaint, finished soaking my feet, gotten a fresh pedicure and manicure, and am ready to move on from my great triumph on the New York stage. (Not that there will not be more news from that area; however, I must remain mum for now!).

My return heralds some marvelous changes in my online businesses! The most important is that I am moving most of my glorious vintage to my store at Specialist Auctions. I have changed the name from Bodaciously Yours Vintage to Mad Fashionista Vintage & Modern! (And why not, with all of the wonderful publicity your faithful correspondent has recieved of late?)

I will continue to sell beautiful contemporary clothes on Ebay, along with the occasional vintage item, jewelry, and accessories. However, one must confess that the many changes made to the site in my absence have grieved your faithful correspondent. More about that at another time, n'cest pas?

Perhaps it is because Specialist Auctions is based in the United Kingdom that they do business in so much more civilized fashion. Here are some newly listed vintage items I have listed in my little shop there. As before, my concentration will be plus-size, with a smattering of smaller vintage pieces for the less well-endowed among you.

Vintage 1950s sheer embroidered Lucy dress with full pleated skirt, XXL:

Vintage 1950s rare plus size petite gray & white full skirt dress, XL:

Vintage 1950s dark blue silky sheer blue print full skirt dress, M L:

Not only that, I will soon be accepting other payment methods than Paypal! Keep checking back to see the changes at Mad Fashionista Vintage & Modern!

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Nominated for a New York Innovative Theatre Award!


Imagine my shock and amaze when, just before our final performance last night, the house manager announced to the audience that "Diary Of A Mad Fashionista" has been nominated for a New York Innovative Theater Award!

Professional that I am, I nonethless gave my usual superb performance, as did my costar, Shannon. Such a pity that like all good things, it had to come to an end.

If you would like to vote on our little production, go to, register (it only takes a minute!) and vote, vote, vote!

Tonight is the final night of the Frigid festival itself, and I will there to judge another show and attend the closing party. Sigh...the party is almost over. Many, many thanks to the wonderful people who made it happen: Erez Ziv, who runs Horse Trade; Morgan Tachco, the producer of the Festival (and a woman who looks almost as good in vintage as I do!), and Justin Sturges, the technical director. Not to mention my marvelous cast and crew.

Oh, before I forget--I saw a marvelous production in the festival yesterday afternoon from the Exit Theater in San Francisco, "Her Majesty", written by the devastatingly funny Sean Owens and performed by Mr. Owens and the beauteous Christina Augello. It was truly a delight, and if it comes to your city, do be sure to catch it!

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Judith Regan Is A Lovely Woman, Dahlings!


Yesterday I had the extreme pleasure of being interviewed by Judith Regan for her radio program on Sirius Radio. Ms. Regan is effortlessly glamorous, even in the confines of a broadcast booth; she was wearing a black Chinese jacket with blue embroidery that was quite striking. When I admired it, she admitted it was a man's jacket that she had bought in Chinatown (I never would have guessed). And her hair is so shiny. Yes, I do notice those things.

Like her compere on the airwaves Valerie Smaldone, Ms. Regan is a woman who does her research. And she has a lively sense of humor. She had seen the show the night before, declaring it "hilarious," and asking me what my future plans for it were. I have not given the matter much thought, being SO busy between the show itself and my various vintage endeavors. However, I did say that I would love to write a book, or expand the show beyond the current festival format.

My publicist, the redoubtable Stephanie Schroeder, accompanied me. The woman is a marvel. It is because of her I was interviewed in the New York Times, Women's Wear Daily (who declined to run the story after they were "scooped" by the Times--how petty*), and I cannot recommend her highly enough. You can find her through her blog on the lower set of links, Beautiful Wreck.

* WWD would not have been "scooped" if William F. Buckley hadn't died the same day I was due to selfish of the man! I shall have to upbraid him at my next seance.

The Frigid festival itself is divine, dahlings, a showcase of every conceivable type of theater. My dear, dear friend Christina Augello and the amazingly talented Sean Owens, both from San Francisco, are appearing in "Her Majesty," which I intend to see later this week. Erez Ziv and Morgan Tachco, producers of the Festival, are amazing people in every way. I urge you to patronize their theaters, even after the Festival is over!

Off to soak in a scented assistant is busily steaming my silk underthings, and if I find just one tiny wrinkle, out she goes! Or maybe I'll wait until my show's run is nerves are just a teensy bit frayed.

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Only Three More Shows Left, Dahlings!

Dahlings -

Yet another lovely write-up, this time on the New York Theatre Corps blog!

The reviewer calls it, among other things, "engaging," praises my performance, and says that my co-star, Shannon Sutherland, not only "shines" but has the best bio line in New York!

There are only THREE performances left, so hurry up and purchase your tickets! We have had a wonderful response from our audiences, and I guarantee you a very good time.

Rival-blasting, servant-bashing, she will stop at nothing for the perfect Dior!

FRIGID new york presents an S & D Production

A Couture Comedy Made For The Masses
Written by Elisa DeCarlo
Directed by Aaron Haber
Starring Elisa DeCarlo and Shannon Sutherland

TUE 3/4 @ 9 PM
FRI 3/7 @ 10:30 PM
SAT 3/8 @ 10 PM

The Red Room
85 East 4th StreetNew York, NY 10003(Between 2nd and 3rd Ave.)

Tickets $12
For tickets, go to or call (212) 868-4444

Remember, dahlings, you will simply never forgive yourself if you miss the show (and neither will I!)

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Policing The Oscar Fashion Police...


Yesterday, while taking a well-deserved rest between performances of my show, I watched “Oscar Fashion Police” on some basic cable channel…I believe it was E!.

All I can say is, mon dieu! Who ARE these people? A parade of stumpy little men with strange haircuts, some woman named Debbie Matenopoulous, and the fabulous Kimora. They were calling the stars’ clothes “disgusting”, “a disgrace,” “ridiculous.”

Now, as you all know, I am all for freedom of speech, particularly when it comes to slagging celebrities. But this is simply too much, particularly coming from the stumpy little men. Debbie Maten-what’s-her-name was wearing a blinding pink parody of a bridesmaid’s dress, with an enormous bow that dwarfed her tiny little face and badly dyed hair. Kimora looked considerably more glamorous than she did at the Academy Awards, thank goodness.

During the Oscars, Kimora bore an unnerving resemblance to Imelda Marcos. I have been unable to find a picture; perhaps it has been suppressed.

Not that I didn’t agree with some of their choices. Although Johnny Depp didn’t look that bad. (His wife was another story.) But to be so brutal…no wonder celebrities look so dull on the red carpet. The tiniest misstep is called “ghastly”. One little man had bleached white hair standing straight up—who on earth is he to call anyone on the (red) carpet for fashion missteps?

Your faithful correspondent needed to get that off her creamy chest. I have a performance tonight, so I must go lie down. Bucky has been sulking because he is not allowed to play himself onstage. However, it is a non-Equity production, and he’s a member, so he would have had to play under a false name. And it’s hard enough to make him obey under his own.

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Show Gets A Rave on Glamour.Com!


What can I say? Glorious things keep on happening. The latest is that I am appearing in all my glory on Glamour magazine’s website,! The adorable editor, Kirk, came to opening night and gives the show two big thumbs up!
Here is the Glamour link:

Not only that, the New York Times article was mentioned by the beauteous Erin on her blog, A Dress A Day!

And I shall be doing some very high-profile interviews later this week.

Once again, I’d like to remind my ardent readers that the show only runs through March 8, and you can find all of the pertinent information and buy tickets by clicking on the pink logo on the right!

Elisa & Bucky The Wonderdog
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