Sunday, September 20, 2009

Emmys: Live Blog/Jon Stewart Is My Favorite Garden Gnome


The Daily Show won for Best Variety and Other Types of Shows That Aren't Reality. Mon Dieu, they just showed a clip of Hugh Laurie! Be still, my heart! (This photo is before he got that awful buzz cut. First chin stubble, now head stubble? I don't understand. It could be worse, Hugh could be one of those balding men with ponytails.)

Did I miss the Dead People segment? We're already into Drama. Just as well, far too much death around these days.

Oh, dear Lord, Sarah McLaughlin is singing a's the Dead People segment, where a celebrity's popularity is STILL measured by how much applause they get. I'm going back to the bar.

Robert Prosky is dead? Fred Travelena? Ricardo Montalban?

I really must get out more. At least I knew about Patrick Swayze, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson.

The Mentalist star is very handsome. Too bad the show is lousy. Oh, my, I think perhaps I've had too many Cosoms...cosmos...Cosmos.

Glenn Close looks magnificent...she could give Helen Mirren a run for her money. (She'd probably like to give Helen Mirren a run for her money, but thaté neither here nor there) love the back detail on her gown. "Tot, Tate, ted" sounds like a 60s brock band.

damn this tiny keyboard!

Later. I need another drink.

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