Friday, September 18, 2009

Fashion Week: I'm in WWD for Upstaging Kathy Griffin!


Your faithful correspondent has occasionally been trailed by the paparazzi, but nothing prepared me for the BARRAGE of flashbulbs when I entered the Isaac Mizrahi show! I know I looked divine, and perhaps the press was simply tired of photographing reality stars and socialites. And I managed to tick off Miss Kathy Griffin, as you can read in this article from Womens Wear Daily:

Do have a look. I have not seen any pictures of that event, but I'm sure they will be popping up soon.

And I have to take back my strong words about French documentary filmmakers. They found me on Thursday afternoon. I was interviewed at length for an upcoming Sundance Channel special on the Academy Awards red seems that few people at Fashion Week were willing to actually express an opinion. You know moi, dahlings, I always express my opinions.

The Mizrahi show was beautiful, entertaining, and even quite funny at times. Quite a bit like your faithful correspondent. More later.

Here I am, approximately nine hours later, after the Tommy Hilfiger show.

For details of all of the fabulous outfits I wore during Fashion Week, with copious photos and information on where to buy them, please do take a look at

You'll enjoy it immensely, I promise you!

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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