Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fashion Week Day One: Ports 1961 And Pink-Eye


One approached the Ports 1961 Spring 2010 Show with great anticipation, more so because I was sitting next to the lovely Kim of Omnimedia (our paths have crossed so often that if one of us were male and Fashion Week was a bad romantic comedy, it would seem contrived).

However, it must be admitted that Tia Cibani’s abandonment of her usual formula resulted in a mixture of beauty and boredom. It was by far the longest show I’ve attended, and even Fern Mallis seemed distracted mid-way, as did many of the PYTs in the front row. The peculiar decision was to have the models wear make-up that gave them all a severe case of pink-eye. Fashion and disease do not mix well, unless it’s an AIDS benefit.

All photos by Marcio Madeira.

Many of the clothes, while in lovely materials, had strange bumps in them reminiscent of Project Runway.

Cibani presented some stunning draped silk dresses, in fact most of the materials were exquisite, in a pale pallette of pinks, pastels and metallics.

However, some of her concoctions were either minimal to the point of ennui or sported wide plastic obi-styled belts.

(All one could think when gazing at them was waist-sweat, a concept that was new to moi and most unwelcome.)

Is this a neckpiece made of clear plastic bags, or is it a pair of welder's goggles? You be the judge.

The best dresses had either marvelous draping or, in some cases, unexpected back interest that popped the look when the models turned. And the final gown was an absolutely show-stopper, in flowing white shot with silver.

In the backstage media madness, the extremely petite Ms. Cibani was quite gracious even under siege. And as usual, there was a buffet that nobody was eating. That’s fashion…more free cocktails than you can shake a stick at, but heaven forfend you touch the food.

More later,


Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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