Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fashion Week Day Two: Where To Buy My Chic Look


The Off-Broadway Boutique on West 72nd Street is known for over-the-top glam. Yesterday I woke up to pouring rain and the prospect of running around the Marc Bouwer shoot. So I choose simple flat black boots (, black wide-legged trousers, a black shirt, and vintage black earrings.

I topped it off with an amazing red microfiber jacket from Off-Broadway that withstood the rain and a full day of activities and never looked less than perfect!

Here it is on the hanger, and I assure you, the photo does not do it justice! However, I will be wearing it again in days (and nights) to come!

You can find it here:

Lynn, Yal-el and the staff was unbelievably helpful, and picked out stylish items that any fashionista would be delighted to wear! To see more lovely things, please go to:

Elisa & Bucky the Wonderdog

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